
joined 1 year ago

After our duo gets thrown into the Void, they encountered Chris Evans as the Human Torch. They were then captured and brought before Cassandra Nova, the twin sister of Charles Xavier. However, Deadpool betrayed the Human Torch by falsely accusing him of badmouthing her on the way there, incurring her anger and inciting her to tear the flesh off of his bones.

CorrectionUm actually ... Deadpool did not falsely accuse the Human Torch. In the post credit scene, we see that the Human Torch did, in fact, say those things.


In the future of the beta timeline, Mayuri adopted a war orphan, Kagari. When their time machine was discovered and attacked, Kagari was sent back in time with Suzuha. During Suzuha's mission, she lost Kagari. After Suzuha jumped forwards in time to continue her mission, she kept searching for Kagari. When Kagari was found, she was identified by the Metal Upa she has with her, a keepsake from Mayuri.

CorrectionUm actually ... Kagari didn't have a Metal Upa, it was the Green Fairy Upa.

The Mayuri got the Metal Upa from capsule machine, but it was misplaced and ended up together with the time travel thesis in this timeline in 2010.

The Green Fairy Upa was bought from the store in the beta timeline after Kurisu's death.


At the climax of fight against Pucci, many of our protagonists have died after he activated Made of Heaven, barring Emporio. He was brought over to the new universe, much to his confusion. To tie up loose ends, Pucci pursued Emporio in Green Dolphin Prison, ultimately ending up in the ghost room. There, Emporio assimilated Weather Report's stand disc, and used it to remove the oxygen in the room suffocating Pucci and finally killing him.

CorrectionUm actually ... Emporio didn't used Weather Report's stand to remove the oxygen in the room. He actually increased the oxygen level and killed Pucci by oxygen poisoning.


In the Okinawa chapter, the Peek a Boo diving club hosted their own Otoori, an Okinawa drinking custom. In their variant, everyone adds the liquor of their choice to a pot, then everyone drinks from the same pot. The liquor that was added includes a hearty dose of classic Spirytus by the club members, and Awamori by Kouhei and Iori. More ridiculously, laboratory ethyl ethanol was added by the chemistry major student.

CorrectionUm actually ... Ethyl ethanol (80%) was not added, because it would reduce the alcohol concentration of the pot, which was mainly 96% Spirytus.


In the original release of Maple Story, players start as a Beginner. Only after reaching level 10, they can transition into their first job by talking to the respective NPC in the area:

  • To be a Archer, Athena Pierce in Henesys.
  • To be a Warrior, Dances with Balrog in Perion.
  • To be a Magician, Grendel the Really Old in Ellinia
  • To be a Rogue, the Dark Lord in Kerning City

CorrectionUm actually ... Players can choose Magician as a job once they hit level 8.

A patch later on standardized it to be 10.


Enya the Hag controls Justice, a terrifying stand that is made of a cloud of fog. It can control anybody by tying strings of fog into their open wounds. Since it is a fog, it is also basically impervious to physical attacks. Justice was ultimately defeated when Jotaro uses Star Platinum's agility and power to disperse Justice before it can reform itself.

CorrectionUm actually ... Jotaro did not disperse Justice. He used Star Platinum to inhale Justice, causing Enya to suffocate.


"Gotta catch 'em all" has been the slogan for the Pokemon franchise. Thus, when the original Japanese Generation II was released, they introduced 100 new Pokemons to catch. The Pokedex also includes the Generation I Pokemons, which gives a total of 251 unique Pokemons. On top of that, they introduced Shiny variants for the Pokemon, which appears extremely rarely and is a prized item for collectors. For the less extreme fans, they (though somewhat misguidedly) added Unown, a Pokemon shaped based on the English alphabet with 26 different forms (in that generation) to collect. To accommodate for players who wishes to fill their PC with all unique Pokemons (excluding Shiny Pokemons) and Unown forms, they also increased the PC Pokemon storage capacity from 240 to 280, just barely enough to fit them.

CorrectionUm actually ... The initial Japanese release of Generation II doesn't have 280 space for the PC. It only have 270, which makes it shy of the 251 + 25 (other forms of Unown) = 276 slots required to fill the PC with unique Pokemons and their forms. For the international release, they increased it to 280. Kind of hints that Unown was not well thought out.

Note: the 2 other forms of Unown, based on the question mark and exclamation mark, are introduced in Generation III.


Digimon need a lot of food to stay alive. Thus, File City has a farm that grows vegetables such as Super Carrots and Hawk Radish that are supplied daily to the player for free to feed their Digimon. Initially ran by Tanemon, you can improve the farm by recruiting other Digimons to the town, such as Palmon and finally Vegiemon.

CorrectionUm actually ... The vegetables are not free. The farm in File City don't primarily grow vegetables. They grow meat, and those are the daily supplies. Vegetables can be purchased once Vegiemon runs the farm.


After Pucci obtained Made in Heaven, he began accelerating time for all non-living things in the universe. Due to this, the whole world experienced various strange phenomena. These includes corpses rotting quickly, vehicle moving faster than a person could operate leading to widespread accidents, the sun and moon moving at fast speeds across the sky, and oddly specifically, every manga artists being unable to keep up with the weekly release schedule.

CorrectionUm actually ... Not every manga artist is unable to keep up. In particular, Kishibe Rohan is able to keep up with the accelerated schedule.


Poker hands are improved by Planet cards. These Planet cards are based on various planets and dwarf planets from our Solar system, each improving the score of a specific hand type. There is also Planet X, which is based on the speculated planet that is beyond Neptune. The most elusive Planet card, that appears rarely when opening Planet packs, is the Black Hole, which increases the score of all hand types.

CorrectionUm actually ... Even though it appears in Planet packs, Black Hole is not a Planet card. It is a spectral card, based on its card design and interaction with various Planet card based jokers such as Constellation.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Ah right. I think my correction wasn't clear. The point of contention is whether there is a single building with the GYM label. I've clarified the correction.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I thought about that reasoning, but if we go through the dialogue by the boat, we see that neither did Fugo expresses leaving the team (he is only against going on a "suicide mission" against the boss), nor did Bucciarati excommunicated anyone for not embarking on the mission.


When Giorno joined Passione, he entered into Bucciarati's team. They were assigned the task of delivering Trish Una to the boss. After discovering that the boss is trying to kill Trish, his daughter, the gang rebelled against the boss. However, despite ultimately killing Diavolo, the boss, many of their members are killed, as Giorno and Mista are the only members of the team that survived.

CorrectionUm actually ... Fugo is also still alive, though he didn't join the rebellion against the boss.


The main antagonist of this part are the Pillar Men. Though they are extremely powerful, sunlight (and thus Hammon) is lethal to them. Therefore, Kars, their leader, seeks the Red Stone of Aja to become immune to it. After using it with the Stone Mask, he ultimately obtain such power, but was killed when Joseph threw him into a volcano.

CorrectionUm actually ... Kars didn't die in the volcano. The volcano eruption propelled him into outer space which froze him and incapacitated him.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Yea, but the statement is specifically talking about stand names.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

what you wrote didn’t say that the first gym you encounter is Brock

It's a bit complex of a construction for the correction.

My idea was that it is a composite of 2 statements which makes it factually incorrect.

the player tackles the Gyms in the order they encounter them

starts with beating Brock

These statements together, implies that the first gym encountered is Brock.

But point taken, not sure why I didn't just say that the first gym encountered was Brock's. It feels a bit round-about now that I think about it. I've improve the OP accordingly, thanks for the feedback.

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