
joined 1 year ago
[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 109 points 4 days ago (3 children)

"Political endorsement can backfire"

You think she doesn't know this? Girl stayed as neutral as she possibly could for YEARS.

Her hand was forced; Trump put her in a position where if she didn't pick a side, then that would be an implicit but very clear endorsement of him. And as she definitely didn't want to endorse him... well, the rest is history.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 43 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I mean, yeah, that makes sense. Financial issues have reached critical mass these last few years, especially with the post-COVID inflation surge. Supporting a family off a single income is pretty much just an urban legend at this point; you can't support a single child off DUAL income if you both work normal jobs.

And that's BEFORE we get into the growing societal issues about children having good spaces to play outside, being encouraged to play and interact with each other, constant republican attacks on the education system, and the looming threat of school shootings.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 34 points 5 days ago

"The group in question are the Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs, or BEUC, who represent 44 non-governmental consumer organisations from 31 countries, and have been around since 1962."

Thank you BEUC, very based, we appreciate your looking out for us.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 28 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Remember, everyone! Despite what Boeing and headlines say, THE WORKERS WERE NOT OFFERED A 25% RAISE IN GOOD FAITH.

The workers were offered a 25% raise over four years, which is actually four 6.25% raises year-on-year. This does not match inflation, and would also lock workers into below-inflation raises for the next three years, meaning that the deal would have been actively detrimental to the workers if they had accepted it. The company has a vested interest in presenting their bad deal as a "25% raise" for purpose of misinforming people who only have the time to read headlines and snippets.

Stay aware of corporate bullshit! And remember, solidarity forever!

(Feel free to steal and copy my comment onto any other posts about the Boeing strike! I don't care about being credited I care about workers!)

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 9 points 5 days ago


Editing the original, those contracts are pure shit and a hot new favourite trick for employers to try and twist the narrative in their favour. That isn't a 25% raise, that's a 6.25% raise as well as an agreement that your future raises can't be better.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 99 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (8 children)


Bro how the hell did Boeing piss these guys off so much???? The closest my workplace ever got to a strike was when we literally didn't get a raise one year during Covid, and that was 62% to strike. We were all pissed at the company over that one for obvious reasons, but this...

~~To me this result off the back of a 25% raise says one thing: This isn't about pay. This was never about pay.~~ EDIT: Nevermind! This is not a fucking 25% raise! This is a 6.25% raise every year for the next four years! This is NOT a 25% raise because of how it works in relation to inflation, and should NOT be treated as a 25% raise by anyone writing about it! It is presented as a 25% raise by Boeing solely to misinform and misdirect people! This is Boeing trying to wheedle their way out of paying their workers at rates above inflation ON TOP OF ALL THEIR EXISTING PROBLEMS!

Combining that with what we know about the company's culture of shutting down anyone with safety or wellbeing concerns in the name of faster cheaper production of aircraft...

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 13 points 6 days ago (9 children)

Violins are traditional instruments of cinematic mourning, either as background melody or very famously used literally in Titanic where the orchestra kept playing right up until the ship went down (historically accurate).

Spongebob Squarepants later had a one-off gag where Mr. Krabs wanted to express insincere mourning, so he pulled out a finger-size violin and said something to the effect of "Oh boo hoo. Let me play you a sad song on the world's tiniest violin"

Of course, being Spongebob Squarepants, the gag was executed so flawlessly that it was immediately seamlessly integrated into internet culture.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 1 points 1 week ago

That's great for the workers, but... is Boeing as a company just too far gone anyways? Even a gesture like this doesn't seem like it could reverse the spiral they've fallen into...

Brazenly assassinating whistleblowers, a notorious focus on moneymaking over public safety, rushing production in order to meet deadlines, self-certifications that are being found not to be up to industry standards, quality rejection by NASA, more whistleblowers citing safety violations on the new 777 that are so severe that it might be more cost-effective to just scrap all the planes than to totally disassemble them to fix the issues, and a complete exodus of talented workers who can pass on essential technical knowledge because driving them away was necessary in order to make all the Speed Over Safety stuff feasible...

I certainly don't envy anyone who's been tasked with saving the rotten zombie husk of Boeing that's shambling along only by the momentum it accrued while it was alive.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 40 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Oh, wow. I can't imagine having knife skills that precise. I've looked into this; what you actually need to do to prepare the fish isn't actually difficult- there are only two organs that need to be removed without puncturing them.

But you still need a steady hand and incredible precision to remove those parts 100% consistently, frankly slicing the fish into 'paper thin' sheets would be 10x more difficult- just, if you fuck up a paper thin cut then it's still fine and edible. Managing to pull off that sort of presentation technique is a really good indicator that this girl is the real deal- if she can make those paper thin slices, she can remove the poisons in her sleep.

I would love to try real sushi one day, but alas. I live in the UK. Best I can do is homemade with stuff from the supermarket.

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 33 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I just say stuff like "Let me look it up"

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

...The fuck were the Tories doing. Did they seriously just. NOT visit Dublin for five whole years?

I mean, I guess that 2019 IS around about the point where the Tories had a little miniature communist-style purge of every competent, sensible politician in the party that wouldn't kiss BJ's ass and allow for a godawful Brexit deal to be shoved through against a changed public will and also common sense, so actually the five year failure to uphold basic obligations makes a lot of sense when taken in context with that particular timeframe...

[–] TacticsConsort@yiffit.net 48 points 1 week ago (11 children)

Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.

Armchair general opinion here, but basically: It pretty much doesn't matter how much armour you pile onto something- it adds weight, fuel costs, and reduces speed, and all the armour in the world will still only last a limited amount of time against powerful explosives specifically designed to destroy armour. The most basic thing about armoured vehicles is doing something in the time that that armour buys you. And to do stuff, you need speed, firepower, and a good optics system.

The Bradley has those three things in spades. Even if it's not the most heavily armoured vehicle ever seen, it's really fucking cost effective, WAY easier to maintain with Ukraine's more limited resources than the US army, and versatile as hell. It uses the time that it has before the armour inevitably fails exceedingly well.


The game's called Cavern of Dreams!

I really like dragons, but I tend not to enjoy most games that they appear in because the games are either too grimdark (Dark Souls), make dragons too rare/emphasises killing them (BG3), or doesn't give us intelligent dragons.

Anyways, this little game isn't super serious or difficult or anything, but I absolutely loved it so I wanted to share it here! Maybe you guys have games of your own that you like and want to talk about?



Credit to VexAtlas from the Lancer community for the meme format

Here's the homebrew this is based on, in case you hadn't seen it here before! The art is still being added, but mechanically it's in a pretty refined state now.



Ha, you know, I forgot this community was a thing!

Anyways, here's my contribution: a homebrew for levels 11-20, which should be great for your Eve of Ruin game if you're running that, or just your custom world~

It's not perfect but I've carefully refined it and balanced it for the last 9 months, it's in the best state it's ever been and should feel fair at any table that uses more than one encounter per Long Rest.



By me~


This is a large homebrew that has the primary goal of allowing you to play as actual true dragons in a DnD setting without being unfairly overpowered.

To accomplish this...

A) I've included some guidance on how to better balance high level content

B) I've designed eight dragon-only classes, which are equivalent in power to the existing bard and wizard classes.

C) I've re-introduced a simple mechanic that allows martial characters to function much more effectively in combat; Flat Damage Reduction.

D) I've playtested it and refined it constantly for months

Also it contains a few new feats and spells that are suitable for use by humanoid characters! Complete with my personal guarantee that all of this stuff is at least as well-balanced as basic 5th edition DnD.


I offer you this meme. It isn't much but it's mine.

By the way here's my dragon homebrew. It's still undergoing playtesting and balancing, and it assumes that you're willing to start your game (or oneshot) at 11th level, but I'd be honoured if you'd use it.


Why do I not simply play a different system? Because I like the DnD dragons. Next question.


I can also give a 5 hour class on the matter if you're interested.


Spoilers below, I want to complain, not ruin anybody else's experience with the game.

Okay, so. The main reason I play dungeons and dragons? Aside from the sense of adventure and the ability to write my own story? It's the dragons.

Now my problem is that in any and all official DnD content (and most other media tbh), dragons get absolutely fucking screwed, ESPECIALLY the good ones. It's why the ability to write my own stories with DnD appeals to me so much.

I didn't go into Baldur's Gate 3 with high expectations. I know that the idea of having a powerful force of good that isn't under player control or completely useless is beyond the comprehension of most game/show/book writers (It's really unimaginably fucking easy to have one that doesn't destroy character agency btw, just putting that out there. I can write a whole god damn essay on how to have Big Good forces that aren't fucking useless while maintaining narrative tension).

All I wanted, in the game that advertises itself on how lets you approach every problem from your own angle and with your own methods, was to be able to share a little conversation with a dragon and make sure they were okay. I didn't have unrealistic expectations. I know games aren't made around what one man wants, so I didn't hope for more than maybe three lines of dialog and an ambiguous ending where they're free and alive. I'd have been happy with that.

And Baldur's Gate 3, despite allowing you to spare, or befriend, or protect, save, speak with or at least bring some hope to EVERY OTHER ENTITY IN THE GAME, doesn't just give none of that to their one dragon that can speak. It actively goes out of its' way to make it so that the dragon has the absolute worst fate possible, significantly worse than death, will never speak to you (only to another NPC), is killed pre-adventure, has their spirit tortured for eternity, and cannot be saved, helped, or even given a ray of hope. Just. Like. For FUCKS SAKE.

I wouldn't be so pissed off it this wasn't such a common thing in games like this! But I sunk 70 hours into this game intending a little interaction with a dragon as my reward, and as far as I'm concerned, I got a flaming pile of shit thrown in my face for making it to the end. It wouldn't sting so much if they weren't the only character to get screwed to anywhere near this magnitude. It wouldn't sting so much if shit like this didn't also happen so ridiculously frequently.

Please tell me I'm not the only one frustrated with how dragons (ESPECIALLY good dragons) get treated in any form of adult media. Is it really, really so much to ask for a story where dragons don't get the deck stacked against them so unbelievably hard that even actual gods would be pretty much screwed?


Spoilers below, I want to complain, not ruin anybody else's experience with the game.

Okay, so. The main reason I play dungeons and dragons? Aside from the sense of adventure and the ability to write my own story? It's the dragons.

Now my problem is that in any and all official DnD content (and most other media tbh), dragons get absolutely fucking screwed, ESPECIALLY the good ones. It's why the ability to write my own stories with DnD appeals to me so much.

I didn't go into Baldur's Gate 3 with high expectations. I know that the idea of having a powerful force of good that isn't under player control or completely useless is beyond the comprehension of most game/show/book writers (It's really unimaginably fucking easy to have one that doesn't destroy character agency btw, just putting that out there. I can write a whole god damn essay on how to have Big Good forces that aren't fucking useless while maintaining narrative tension).

All I wanted, in the game that advertises itself on how lets you approach every problem from your own angle and with your own methods, was to be able to share a little conversation with a dragon and make sure they were okay. I didn't have unrealistic expectations. I know games aren't made around what one man wants, so I didn't hope for more than maybe three lines of dialog and an ambiguous ending where they're free and alive. I'd have been happy with that.

And Baldur's Gate 3, despite allowing you to spare, or befriend, or protect, save, speak with or at least bring some hope to EVERY OTHER ENTITY IN THE GAME, doesn't just give none of that to their one dragon that can speak. It actively goes out of its' way to make it so that the dragon has the absolute worst fate possible, significantly worse than death, will never speak to you (only to another NPC), is killed pre-adventure, has their spirit tortured for eternity, and cannot be saved, helped, or even given a ray of hope. Just. Like. For FUCKS SAKE.

I wouldn't be so pissed off it this wasn't such a common thing in games like this! But I sunk 70 hours into this game intending a little interaction with a dragon as my reward, and as far as I'm concerned, I got a flaming pile of shit thrown in my face for making it to the end. It wouldn't sting so much if they weren't the only character to get screwed to anywhere near this magnitude. It wouldn't sting so much if shit like this didn't also happen so ridiculously frequently.

Please tell me I'm not the only one frustrated with how dragons (ESPECIALLY good dragons) get treated in any form of adult media. Is it really, really so much to ask for a story where dragons don't get the deck stacked against them so unbelivably hard that even actual gods would be pretty much screwed?


Title. Ideally I'd like one that has pokemon from all the generations, and reasonably difficult.

Main reason I'm looking into romhacks is because I don't want to pay $60 for a game that's designed to be easy for 3-7 year olds, I'd like a bit of a challenge.

~~If it has furry stuff that's a bonus~~


When I try to upload images to Lemmy, then I get a message that says something like...

'Syntax Error: JSON code, unable to parse, error on line 1'

That's not an exact quote, but is this a known error, or do I need to use some particular filetype, disable my privacy plugin? I'm not that technologically proficient.

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