
joined 4 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Guys, gals and enby pals will look at this and go "Hell yeah!"

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

They want maximum results for minimum effort, then whine when they don't get everything handed to them. They're the DarksydePhils of electoralism.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

Friend, not food.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Questions reportedly included "Can you do this again and more often?" and "How many more 2000lbs bombs can we give you?"

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (10 children)

It's a math joke ("""joke""") about misunderstanding the intent behind written problems, as poorly-written problems can be interpreted in multiple ways, but well-written problems are (almost) always correctly interpreted by reasonably math literate folks. The fact the you arrived at two different solutions means that you correctly interpreted the intent behind both problems.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Wow, anti-semitic much?

[–] 27 points 1 week ago

But glimmer_twin was referring to his present age, so you're both right, just kinda talking past each other.

[–] 38 points 1 week ago (3 children)
[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I don't think you can just become Italian.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

"These heroes in Russia who have immortalized their cause, our cause, who have paid in overflowing measure in blood and tears and agony unspeakable, the price of their fidelity and devotion to the oppressed and exploited toilers not only of their own land but of the whole world, now appeal to us for the food that shall save them from perishing as hostages to starva- tion, and shall we now fail to return in small party what we owe them for what they have suffered in the awful years of the revolution to break the fetters of labor everywhere and set humanity free from the curse of the ages?" -- some tankie I guess

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

The starfighters' computers needed time to lock on to the exhaust port. Plus, the proton torpedoes needed to immediately dive downward into the exhaust shaft to reach the Death Star's core, as seen in the animation before the battle -- fire too soon and they just impact on the surface, fire too late and they hit the back of the port before they can dive.


As originally posted here (cw:, you can see that American tax dollars are helping large-language mod-- I mean, pop-sci article authors really hit their stride. Rather than copy my post from the linked thread, I'll summarize: China's Qianfan satellite constellation is about as bright as Starlink's first satellite constellation, and significantly dimmer when low in the sky. The paper cited by the SpaceNews article ( at no point says "significantly brighter than those of Western systems" as the article claims in the first sentence. In fact, the ArXiv paper's conclusion is as follows:

  1. Conclusions
    The brightness of Qianfan spacecraft ranges from magnitude 4 when they are near zenith to 8 when low in the sky. Nearly all of the observations can be modeled with a nadir-facing flat antenna panel and the underside of a zenith-facing solar array, both with Lambertian reflection properties. These satellites will impact astronomical research and aesthetic appreciation of the night sky unless their brightness is mitigated.

This is the same conclusion that scientists reached about Starlink years ago, and it's still true today.

You might also be wondering who Jeff Foust, the author of this article, is. Prior to writing for SpaceNews, he was a "senior aerospace analyst with the Futron Corporation" (not to be confused with Futron Inc., as I nearly did), which as far as I can tell, was just some dime-a-dozen consulting firm that got bought out by another consulting firm that got bought out by another consulting firm. Folks, the imperialists aren't sending their best.


From this comment... it's just so much: "I hope you and the other commenter both someday achieve the maturity to look back on this conversation and be embarrassed. I further hope you'll move beyond embarrassment and realize that it's part of growing up to make mistakes like that."

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