
joined 3 years ago

I saw a video recently of a racist brit being rude to a group of Chinese people filming a video. One thing weird caught me though, the Chinese lady who made the video took offense to him calling the Chinese flag communist, in the video she says that communist is a controversial and rude term in China and this confused me as its literally ran by a communist party. So what gives? Is communist a negative term there?

[–] 15 points 9 months ago

Not surprising. People in the military tend to be quite far right and since the US does nothing to slow the spread of fascism and abuses their troops you get a perfect breeding ground for fascism. Especially since anything left is "too political" and "hurts moral" the only arguments for change in the military come from the right. I know people in the military and they very much border on fascism if not are outright fascists that just haven't told me yet because I shoot down their right wing shit in the few instances they drop it.

[–] 20 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (6 children)

Most of those are quite business as usual for capitalism though. Calling it fascist while good for drawing a parallel isn't entirely true. Its peak capitalist settler colonialism which is pretty close but not entirely fascist. Communist parties are still legal, people still have some civil protections (not many, but far more than you'd have in Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy). The US is basically diet fascist. Not quite fully there, but doing as much as it can to get close to it.

Like I said, if the left actually got its shit together then the US would happily fully implement fascism but really that is the only reason it hasn't fully done so.

[–] 16 points 11 months ago

Lol most of the US is physically and mentally unfit for service thanks to our garbage system. Out of those who are capable few have any motivation to fight for this country. The amount of people who are going to defect or get sent to jail for draft dodging is gonna be huge. Honestly it would probably take more military members to enforce a draft then actually useful soldiers they'd get out of it.

[–] 48 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (49 children)

About as fascist as any other capitalist nation. Which is to say if there was any threat to the Russian bourgeois by their working class it would be. Probably the only reason the US isn't full fascist yet is because leftism is so dead in this country that the capitalist class doesn't need to worry about such things.

[–] 29 points 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

I hate Bernie so much. Such a scumbag. Advocated for the destruction of Yugoslavia and his constant grift of pretending to give a shit about the poor tricks a lot of people. More than that I'm sick of those who suck off this guy like he's some hero of the proletariat when he's nothing more than an opportunistic con artist. I'm so sick of the lesser evilism nonsense people try and use to justify this crap. Voting for lesser evil is all the left has done for fucking ever now and all its gotten us is a neoliberal hellscape. The democrats will never need to give the left anything because the left is spineless and gives its power away freely. If you're a guaranteed voting bloc your demands will never be even considered because they aren't real demands, they are simply polite requests. Policy is instead dictated by those who will jump ship if a better opportunity presents itself because they are the ones who may swing the other way.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Where did they get their figure for great depression earnings? When I looked it up the average wage was $821 in 1933. Putting that through the inflation calculator gives $19,418.18.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yooo, I wish I was Canadian.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Since when do the opinions of regular people decide government policy under capitalism? Maybe I'm just used to the US where the average citizen has zero voice but is that not the same across all capitalist countries?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Is it? I feel like fascism is adaptable to basically any society if given the right conditions. Not to say Russia is fascist (it isn't) but to say its anti Russian is odd. Especially when again, if they do truely care so much the, why now and not when the coup first happened?

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Damn, I thought Cali was supposed to have better public education than the rest of the country. No water, no air, and no education? Surprised people still live there at this point.

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