
joined 3 months ago

Perfect example of why no one should ever trust Tel Aviv's claims of having "defeated Hamas"... Snip:

The Israeli army announced on 18 September that four Israeli soldiers were killed during clashes with the Palestinian resistance in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah a day earlier.

Several others were injured in the fighting in southern Gaza, including an officer who is in serious condition, an Israeli army statement said.

The four were killed after stepping into a building rigged to blow by the resistance in Rafah’s Tal al-Sultan neighborhood.


The operation came the week after Israel claimed the Rafah battalion of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades was defeated.

Some combat footage and news from the front.

Today Russian forces liberated the small Donetsk People’s Republic city of Ukrainsk (southeast of the Kiev-occupied city of Selidovo):

Russian forces recently liberated the Kursk oblast border village of Borki (18+ combat footage):,--Assault-on-the-village-of-Borki-in-the-Kursk-region!!:1

Russian forces cleared out another Kiev regime fortified position somewhere on the southern DPR front (18+):

More news and videos from the front.

Kiev regime troops continue surrendering to Russian forces in Kursk oblast:

Russian FPV drones scored more precise hits on Kiev regime military vehicles in Kursk oblast:,--Defeat-of-enemy-equipment-by-FPV-drones-on-fiber-optics!:6

Anti-fascist partisans destroyed a Ukrainian Nazi’s vehicle in Kharkov:,--Dozor-partisans-report-this-was-destroyed-in-Kharkov!:5

A well-positioned puddle saved an Odessan man from getting conscripted into the Kiev regime’s military:

Good find, thanks for sharing that!

LOL, yep. The 'Post is a right-wing paper, so I suppose they just "obligatorily" had to toss that in.


This New York Post article claims that he "championed left-wing causes", but does not provide any evidence for that. However, it does reveal him to be a Neocon warmonger. Snip:

Routh is also a staunch supporter of Ukraine and Taiwan in their respective conflicts against Russia and China. He claims on X that he tried to “sell” the idea of having former Afghanistan troopers fight for Ukraine in Russia, but was denied multiple times before giving up after six months.

He also visited Kyiv and claimed that he would be willing to fight on the front lines, if he were permitted to.

He was also a supporter of nuclear warmonger Nikki Haley's presidential campaign.


Tel Aviv's assassination of resistance commander Fuad Shukr came at a high cost for the apartheid regime. Snip:

Hezbollah’s retaliatory attack against two Israeli military and intelligence sites in late August resulted in dozens of casualties, European security sources told Al Mayadeen on 12 September.

Operation Fortieth Day, as it was dubbed by the Lebanese resistance, targeted Glilot base – the headquarters of Israel’s Unit 8200 – and the Ein Shemer airbase.

The operation was “substantially successful … with fatalities reaching 22 and 74 members injured,” Al Mayadeen cited the European sources as saying.

I think it would depend a lot on how big of threat these 'long-range' systems actually pose. If only a modest number were delivered and used, Russian air defenses and retaliatory strikes inside Kiev-controlled territory could easily handle that. Russia would then likely respond by delivering various weapons systems (like S-400 air defense systems, advanced anti-ship missiles, and modern warplanes) to the DPRK, Iran, and other allies.

However, in the worst case scenario, if the Western imperialists actually tried overwhelming Russian air defenses, Russia would need to respond by conducting strikes of its own on Western military bases inside NATO countries that would be supplying and covertly providing operators for those weapon systems. It's easy to then see how extremely aggressive acts by NATO could escalate into a nuclear war or "World War III" scenario. Frankly, I doubt that the US ruling class is brave enough to try that -- they have far too much to lose, even with their overseas empire in terminal decline, they still have immense riches at home that they'd rather not see vaporized (not to mention their own lives).



Amid the ongoing violence in the Middle East and the NATO-fueled proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the US military is reportedly eying a new front amid Washington's attempts to save the unipolar world order.

The US Navy’s elite Seal Team 6 is training for missions to “help” Taiwan if tensions between the island and the PRC go hot.

Sources told the Financial Times that planning and training for a Taiwan escalation has been underway “for more than a year” at Seal Team 6’s Dam Neck, Virginia Beach HQ.

The training, which coincides with increasingly systematized deployments of US special forces in Taiwan, comes amid the US military and intelligence community’s broader refocus on China.

[–] 65 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Some more news from the front.

Russian forces have now liberated at least 10 Kursk oblast settlements over the past two days (Apanasovka, Byakhovo, Vishnevka, Viktorovka, Vnezapnoye, Gordeyevka, Krasnooktyabrskoye, Obukhovka, Snagost and 10th October):

President Putin also made an important statement today in response to all the NATO chatter about ‘long-range weapons for Kiev’:

“I have already mentioned this, and any experts will confirm, both in our country and in the West, that the Ukrainian army is not capable of [independently] carrying out strikes using Western modern, long-range precision systems. It cannot do this. This is possible only with the use of intelligence from satellites which Ukraine does not have. This data is only available from satellites of the European Union or the United States, in other words, from NATO satellites. That's the first point.

The second and very important, perhaps key point is that only NATO servicemen can make flight assignments to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

So this is not about whether or not to allow the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia using these weapons, but about deciding whether or not NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not. If such a decision is taken, it will mean nothing short of direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries, in the war in Ukraine. This would constitute their direct participation, and this, of course, changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict. It will mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries, are at war with Russia. And if this is so, bearing in mind the change in the very nature of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be posed to us.”

A little news and combat footage from the front.

Russian forces continue advancing in both the Donbass and the Kursk oblast border districts (Kiev regime invaders have been driven out of a number of settlements today):

A Russian Iskander-M missile strike destroyed a US-built M270 MLRS launcher in Kherson oblast:

A Russian FAB glide bomb strike destroyed a Kiev regime command post in Grushevka (in Kharkov oblast):


The US/British imperialists carried out another "humanitarian intervention" -- this time killing two schoolgirls in Yemen.


Airstrikes launched by US and UK fighter jets against Yemen on 10 September killed two girls and injured seven others at a school.

The girls’ school which was bombed is located in the Taaziya district of Yemen’s southwestern Taiz province.

“The school in the Al-Jund area was hit by two missiles from US and UK aircraft,” local sources told Al Mayadeen.


Things aren't going so well for Tel Aviv. Snip:

The Israeli regime's former prime minister Ehud Barak says Israel is closer to defeat than to achieving a victory in the Gaza Strip, calling Benjamin Netanyahu a "crazy gambler."

According to a report by Israeli media outlets on Sunday, Barak acknowledged that Israel is faltering in Gaza, lacking both a strategy and a clear plan of action.


The former Israeli premier further criticized Netanyahu’s decision to maintain a military presence in the strategic Philadelphi Corridor with Egypt, saying his insistence to stay there is a futile attempt that has nothing to do with the reality on the ground.

[–] 49 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Some more news and videos from the front (and rear).

Ukrainian anti-fascist partisans of the Opir resistance movement set fire to a large warehouse of the Danish entity “Autukrania biler til Ukraine” in Copenhagen that had been supplying military equipment to the Kiev regime and Western mercenaries for over two years:

RT video report on the recent liberation of the southern DPR town of Konstantinovka:

Kiev regime invaders of Kursk oblast forgot to shut the door… (18+):


The anti-democratic "Democratic" Party political machine has happily leaped into bed together with the most evil Neocon monsters on the planet. Either vote for a left-wing third party presidential candidate or boycott this farcical election.


Cheney was a charter signatory to the notorious neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, and as vice president played a leading role in the George W Bush administration’s soaring warmongering, militarism and authoritarianism, including most famously the invasion of Iraq. He has the blood of millions of people on his hands, and he should be living out the rest of his miserable life in a cage.


The Cheneys join a growing list of formerly Republican warmongers who are migrating to the Democratic Party in droves to support Harris. Last month hundreds of staffers who served under Republicans George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney signed a letter endorsing Harris, saying that “re-electing President Trump would be a disaster for our nation.”


Caitlin Johnstone nailed it. Snip:

The Biden-Harris administration is knowingly helping the Israeli government wage a campaign of extermination in Gaza that has shocked and horrified the entire world, so obviously the real villain we need to focus on here is Jill Stein.

No serious person believes a bunch of socialists and peaceniks are going to vote for a capitalist warmongering party. Democrats don’t bitch about the Green Party because of lost votes, they do it because they hate being reminded that their party’s a lie and their values are fake.

Democrats saying the Green Party steals their votes makes as much sense as Republicans saying the Green Party steals their votes. The Democratic Party is not a left wing party. It’s a warmongering capitalist party that is presently engaged in genocide and nuclear brinkmanship.

Some more news and videos from the front.

Recent Russian missile strikes have eliminated large numbers of Western mercenaries:

A Russian Iskander-M missile strike destroyed a US-built M270 MLRS launcher in Sumy oblast (near Kursk):

A separate Russian strike destroyed a French-built “CAESAR” self-propelled howitzer in Kursk oblast:

[–] 67 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Some more news from the front.

Kursk update, Kiev regime invaders continue suffering massive losses (over 10,100 troop fatalities in the first month of the border incursion):

Belarusian air defenses have been shooting down Kiev regime drones flying over its airspace recently:

The “Library and Archives Canada” is refusing to release a list of 900 Nazi war criminals hiding in Canada, because revealing this information would “help Russia”:


Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela made a great statement today to Sputnik at the Eastern Economic Forum. Snip:

“We not only defeated the Apartheid regime in South Africa, but we defeated its allies as well. You know that the United Kingdom through Margaret Thatcher as well as the United States of America through Ronald Reagan’s administration supported the Apartheid regime to the hilt. But our friends, through our darkest days in the struggle for liberation, like Russia, China and many others in the international solidarity movement who rallied behind the anti-Apartheid campaign, ensured that they gave full support to our cause to defeat the Western imperialist agenda. And what we are seeing in multipolarity is a continuation of that,” Mandela told Sputnik on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday.

“Many countries do not want to continuously be bowing down to their colonial masters and settler colonialists” today Mandela said, pointing to the example of the Palestinians and their struggle for liberation and statehood.



On Tuesday, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the confiscation of the Venezuelan presidential plane and demanded its return to Caracas.

“We stand in solidarity with our Bolivarian friends in their legitimate demands to return what was stolen from the Venezuelan state,” the Russian diplomatic office said, noting that the excesses in the sanctions policy applied by Washington “have no limits.”

“Once again, there has been a total disregard for international legal norms,” it added, emphasizing that the United States has sent a new signal that it can appropriate the assets of other sovereign states.


Tel Aviv continues not only attacking Gaza, but the West Bank as well.


“The water is cut off. The electricity is cut off, the sewage system is no longer working. All the infrastructure is destroyed, we no longer have any services that work."

The regime's forces have killed at least 20 Palestinians, including a person with disabilities and several children, in the northern West Bank since the regime has launched its deadly raid on several cities in the northern West Bank, according to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).

In related news, Palestinian resistance forces killed a Zionist military squad commander in Jenin:


Some exciting BRICS news.


Palestine’s ambassador in Moscow, Abdel Hafeez Nofal, said on 26 August that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas had received an invitation from President Vladimir Putin to attend the upcoming BRICS summit.

“After our first participation in the BRICS summit, we will send a request to join this association,” Nofal revealed.

Note, this year's BRICS summit will be held in Kazan, the capital city of the Russian Federation's Republic of Tatarstan.

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