
joined 2 years ago
[–] 9 points 1 day ago

I saw someone on reddit complain about linking to a tweet because Twitter is a right-wing shithole, and someone replied "And reddit isn't?"

But then someone replied to that with "Seriously? Right-wingers don't plague Reddit."

Ahahahahaha reddit logo users have negative self awareness

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

The literal only argument here is just "I don't have to use a bunch of Google tabs anymore because ChatGPT can lie to me all in one place!!" lmao

Like, the only way this works is if ChatGPT is literally always correct at all times (which will never be the case fundamentally), because otherwise it's even worse than the existing process of just using Google because it's just another step before you end up needing to do that anyway

This isn't even one of those "oh in the made-up future where ChatGPT is magically perfect, this will be useful, therefore we should support AI-bros right now so we can get there" types of things, this is just assuming that ChatGPT in its current form is somehow a good research tool which is just about the opposite of the case

[–] 9 points 1 month ago

God, passive language in news articles mentioning cops is so beyond parody at this point that I can't even tell what headlines mean anymore

cw: animal deathHeadline: "Dogs attack woman, police discharge service weapon"

The officer discharged their service weapon striking the animals. The dogs died on scene.

I actually had to look at the article and read that sentence to even tell what they meant by that headline, I was seriously wondering if they just fired in the air or something, I would never use "police discharge service weapon" to refer to cops fatally shooting something lmao

[–] 21 points 1 month ago

Ah yes, many people have given you long and detailed explanations of the history and context, while you just shove your fingers in your ears and go "Russia is the schoolyard bully and Ukraine is the little nerdy kid who had enough and swung back!!"

But everyone here is totally just circlejerking, right? Clearly except you, the wise and learned historian 🤣

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

We're literally Canadian and yet my brother was just in here trying to sing the praises of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to me, I was trying really hard to not tell him to fuck right off

The fact that he's expecting me to be happy about people who are pro-genocide because of some token "progressive" promises (that probably won't even mean anything once elected) is infuriating, especially when those promises don't even affect us in particular

[–] 15 points 1 month ago (1 children)

On a basic level, I'm fine enough with you choosing to do this for this specific community, but is it really necessary? Have people actually been doing that here in this community specifically? If not, it's a pretty pointless rule honestly, especially if you're only making it because you disagreed with people talking about weed in a separate channel

Like, I don't think the rule's a bad idea considering China's history with drugs, but you should make sure you're doing this for the right reasons rather than out of some grudge or something

[–] 19 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Lmao they literally sent that guy a Cease and Desist letter

Also, it seems like some people pointed out that OP's mistaken and that it's a different person who owns the site (a Ben instead of a Burton)... but that this Ben Gerber person has also worked in a fed think tank lmao

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

Hobby subs mainly, but also that the Linux subs are somehow significantly better than the ones on Lemmy, at least some people on there know what they're talking about and aren't just circlejerking about the usual things lmao

I find that the Lemmy community (outside of here and Hexbear of course) is usually not better than reddit, in fact it's often worse, a lot of the people who moved over are the most reddit logo-brained people around lol

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I appreciate this comment, I've heard it's gotten a bit better over the past year or so too because they have new body scanners apparently, thank you for the reassurance

Still not entirely sure if I can make myself do it, the consequences of the potential worst case scenario are so absolutely horrible that I have to be absolutely certain it's not going to happen in order for me to be willing to take the risk, I probably wouldn't be able to handle even the most basic patdown if the scanners decide to flag me, let alone if a TSA agent decides to be an abuser that day

I really wish though that this pointless security theater organization would be abolished already so that merely travelling internationally wasn't so much to worry about

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Been reading about trans people's experiences with the TSA because flying is the only way I'll ever get to be with my girlfriends (I'm in Atlantic Canada, they're in western US), it's just such a worry for me and makes me feel like I'll never be able to make it happen because being sexually assaulted is not a price I'm willing or able to pay

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I let them know, they just took care of it 👍


Basically, for those of you here who ride a bicycle, what do you have in the way of bike infrastructure, and how pleasant/painful is it to cycle where you live? In my area, there's a small handful of mixed-use sidewalks (basically they made the sidewalk a bit wider, made it asphalt, and painted a yellow line down the middle) which are certainly better than nothing (especially better than painted bike gutters) but not really a connected bike network, it pains me to see how much could be done but isn't, it's not like there isn't the space or anything either

There's one of those paths nearby that's very useful to me for getting to a few shops, and getting there doesn't require cycling in the road very much, but going any farther requires me to cycle in traffic which sucks, thankfully the main street I'd be going down is still pretty residential so it's not too busy and isn't too fast (the sign's 50km/h, though tbf people do always go at least a bit over the limit), still feels dangerous though to have to rely on cars safely passing, especially when Canada absolutely has loads of large pickups and SUVs just like the US

The amount of hills in my area is also pretty troublesome, I had to get an e-bike just to be able to handle them at all, it's the only reason I'm even able to venture outside the neighborhood on this thing


This is pretty disastrous, the things Nintendo is suing over are things that apply to pretty much all emulators, it would be a very dangerous precedent to set if Nintendo were to win this one

And even if they don't win, it's still very shit that they're even able to use lawsuits as a scare tactic, that they can ruin people's lives even without needing to win

Also, daily reminder that "piracy equals lost sales" is nothing but corporate propaganda, often it's the opposite actually:

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