
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

A person's perception is highly informed by how well or poorly they understand the subject or situation in question.

Let's say you got stood up by a first date because they got hit by a car on their way to you. Your perception of them is going to vary wildly depending on whether or not you know the facts behind why they didn't show up.

Similarly, knowing how you actually fit into things at your job - i.e. your importance to your working group, the company, it's customers, society itself, allows you to have a more accurate set of facts to base your perception on.

So yes, the truth matters.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this.

People have all sorts of beliefs that can qualitatively be proven as right or wrong. For example, all the wingnuts who believe that the COVID vaccine has trackers from Microsoft. Their beliefs are 100% bereft of reality.

Now, can they go ahead and act on those mistaken beliefs? Sure. But that doesn't make their beliefs correct in any way.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

While I get that this is an article geared to laymen/the general public, I do think we should be holding science communication to a higher standard.

I agree with you 100%.

[–] 35 points 1 year ago (11 children)

It's worth pointing out that feeling like you work in a pointless, meaningless job doesn't necessarily make it true. This paper is solely about people's perceptions, not facts.

[–] 34 points 1 year ago (3 children)

A light breeze is enough for Google to lock accounts, and they make it nearly impossible to re-access. And they have no reliable customer service you can call or email.

But the final straw for me was when they started this bullshit of saying "tell me your phone number so we can make sure it's you". They never had my number in the first place, so it was clear that this was pure bullshit of them trying to associate real world identities with their accounts.

After that, I said "fuck em", changed to other providers, and haven't look back since.

Go ahead and delete my accounts - your service is pure garbage anyway.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You won't find that level of detail in typical articles, because they are intended for the general public and are intended to be an overview that a layman can comprehend.

However, the paper itself, which the article links to, has more detail including deformation testing.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I understand what you're saying completely. I'm not even saying that I disagree with you - to be honest, I'm not quite sure what to think about this circumstance.

However, I will say that there are limits to being lax on someone just because they are a child. This was a serious offense that could have cost multiple people their lives and a serious response is justifiably warranted.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

If we were talking about shoplifting, sure. This case is more serious, however, and I'm not sure the same approach would be taken under the circumstances.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Your issue is that she's still there? The article implies that this only happened yesterday, so she's only been there for 1 day. That's not unreasonable for a felony.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

This entire topic is about shortening the work week without any loss in pay.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

Have you not been reading articles on this topic? Yes, we are talking about a 32 hour work week with no loss in pay.


For the last month or two, my AV blocks their site because it detected a ScrInject.B trojan.

And yes, it's the correct site (

VirusTotal also shows 4 security vendors register it as malicious.

Are these all false positives or is monkrus's site no longer trustworthy?


Previously, thread thumbnails were full images - but after the kbin update, every single one is cropped and we are only seeing half the image.

This looks awful and is functionally a degradation of quality.

Is there any way to revert this change?


So let me start off by saying that I recognize that there was initially a genuine problem with people who didn't want NSFW content being exposed to it.

Some of this was due to the fact that not all content was being correctly flagged as NSFW, and some of it was because a lot of users didn't realize that individual users can choose to completely block an entire instance - which is not only a very easy and fast solution, but also does not require an all-or-nothing approach of defederating from NSFW instances.

A number of changes were made, but some of those lingering changes have meant that people who do want to see NSFW content are not because:

  1. Even having subscribed to several NSFW subs, they are effectively completely missing from my feed.

  2. Most NSFW thumbnails are blurred.

Both of these behaviors should not be occurring if a user has chosen in their settings to NOT hide NSFW content.

However, I will also say that the blurred state is something that deserves its own user setting (i.e. so that a user can choose to NOT hide NSFW, but still want them blurred or not) - preferably with the granularity to set it for various sub-types of NSFW (e.g. porn, gore, etc...).


As kbin is so new, there is no equivalent to RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) yet. However there is an easy way to switch user accounts - at least for those of you using Firefox.

One of the official Mozilla extensions for Firefox is this:

Firefox Multi-Account Containers

Essentially, this lets you create and use multiple browser "containers", where each container has its own set of cookies completely segregated from the others.

That means you can create one container where you are logged into kbin under your regular account, another container where you are logged into your NSFW account, another container where you are logged in under your moderator account, etc...

It's also very helpful for any other sites where you have multiple accounts and want a convenient way to switch between them (i.e. Google Mail, etc...).

You can easily switch between containers - which takes effect ONLY on that browser window, not universally. That means you can be logged into kbin, Gmail, or any place else - simultaneously under multiple accounts (i.e. one browser window has gmail logged in under your personal account, while another browser window has gmail logged in under your work account).


How do I prevent NSFW thumbnails from being blurred?

I've been through the settings and can't find a way to disable this.

It was working fine the other day, but now they're all blurred. How do I change this?

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