Summers in the UK are only going to get hotter and more extreme. Really this needs to be taken into account in how we build homes… but that doesn’t help the existing houses and flats.
I’d strongly recommend at least a small portable AC for the bedroom. Worth every penny.
What they are saying in the article that racism can and should be thought (and is!) but it’s entirely unnecessary and off putting for it to be part of English lit.
Part of English lit is encouraging a positive attitude to reading and literature. Yes it delves into the details but it should be encouraging young people about the joy of reading. That’s definitely not going to happen if you are choosing books that alienate your readers when there are plenty of alternatives that would be more suitable
This isn’t about “banning” of mice and men. It’s just about it not being the focus of the class where this hateful racist language and attitudes would be read out.
It’s a very understandable viewpoint