Can't wait for his Mormon neighbors to come out and defend him as a pillar of the church and community!
"Who told you to have a pow wow?"
"You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!"
I think those rumors are most likely true.
Lindsay Graham was right about one thing!
I would bet given how many crazy MAGA assholes are out there, and with Trump instigating shit, this is probably happening very regularly right now.
I'm sure if he dropped $4 million, it's probably a drop in the bucket for him, but that shit has still gotta sting!
Even better! $30 million = a 10+ point loss! Keep shoveling the money into the fire Republican donors!
I read somewhere that Republicans spent $20 million to pass this thing, and it's going to fail miserably. Just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned! That $20 million could've went to paying Trump's lawyers!
Man, it's been a long night, and I hate the fucking Eagles!
"What's with the sash and the codpiece?!"