Thanks for posting stuff!
B12 is not made by animals either. It is dirt from the ground.
According to wikipedia, it's produced in the colon of animals but that's after the lower intestine so they poop it out then ingest it again by eating plants and soil that has manure in it.
Even if that's not completely correct, it's certainly gross enough for me to mention it to meat eaters
Yeah i'll stick with the suppies
Avocados are overrated anyway, I'll stick with scrambled tofu on toast, which is easily the superior toast topping. That and beans.
Solidarity with all striking workers
Looks nice but the title makes me irrationally angry. How can it be seasonal but for all seasons?!!
This is cool, though I'm more of a cattle decapitation/world peace/punch man myself
Hey, I'm just posting stuff to get us started, the community can evolve however it likes!
If discussion threads about live events is what people wanna see, try it, you'll never know until you do.
I don't like commitment though so if you or want mod access to pin/unpin weekly threads or however this manifests, lemmy know (hope you enjoyed that little pun)
I'll probably just get nab the digital release, unless they tour over here and bring some with, bit spenny otherwise
Bunch of water stealing, baby killing bastards
Up beat and shouty really appeals to me, love it