Not heard of that one! I can't seem to find it online - unless is the game called Virtuaverse and Master Boot Record did the music?
Reminds me that I need to continue reading the Discworld books! Next one on my list is The Night Watch. As for the Witches books, I've only read Equal Rites, but I've heard they're all excellent.
Oh awesome, most of these were on my wishlist. The backlog grows yay!
Thanks, I got it working! Well all except the ragdoll mod because that requires you to have all the DLC :(
Thanks for the suggestion! I actually haven't bought a torch yet, so I appreciate the recommendation :) The SC21 Pro does look like it would meet my needs
This is a difficult one to answer as most RPGs I can think of have some combination of the stuff that puts you off. Have you tried the Witcher 3 (great story, and the RPG elements are fairly simplified) or Deus Ex: Human Revolution? And if you've played Nier Replicant and enjoyed it, I think you'd love Nier Automata.
At what point do you become a sailboat?
This is really nice! I always wonder how people cycle with one hand - I find it too unstable. Maybe I need more practice.
Thank you, appreciate it
I don't think the personal attack is really necessary. I do legitimately want a discussion about this, but people are getting the impression that I want to distract from the point of the post, which I promise you is not my intention. I apologise if anything I've said has come across that way. I shall leave things here.
Ok my friend. If I have distracted from the message, that is genuinely not my intention. I'll leave things here.
Essex street cheese sounds like a weed strain