
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 12 hours ago

I've been extremely impressed with the longevity and all around toughness of my Dell Precision. I think it's gotta be 12 years old now, it weighs a ton, been dropped multiple times, and while I replaced its disk and memory at some point it has never suffered a hardware failure. The thing is a tank, I love it.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The one I eat most often is overnight oats, just steel cut oats and whole milk with some fruit if I have it. Favorite to eat is probably bananas foster french toast made with home made brioche. Nothing like starting your day with a brown sugar, caramel and rum sauce haha.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Oh is that the term for it? I've been calling it "super smooth scrambled eggs" which doesn't adequately describe the texture. Egg curds is pretty close but it's almost like a creamed egg. So soft and fluffy, I like to add cream cheese into it while it's cooking and serve it on toast with melty cheese and a bit of tomato salsa. Yum!

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

I appreciate the shout out to Guild Wars there. Aside from the opaque learning curve it's one of the most player friendly live service games going.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I spotted She Ra PoP (Catra and Adora), Owl House (Luz and Amity) and Stephen Universe (Sapphire and Ruby)

Edit: Harley Quinn & Ivy, and Charlie and Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel

[–] 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I had a therapist who specialized in working with ADHD adults and she was very good about calling me out on my "shoulds". She would say "who told you that?" or "why do you feel that way?" or "where does that belief come from?" just about every time a "should" came out of my mouth. It was a really good practice in reframing, and making me realize I was feeling external pressures by comparing myself to others, or not giving myself the time and space I needed to accomplish the things that would satisy me. I'd encourage everyone in this thread to try getting to the bottom of your "shoulds", it's helped me understand and be kinder to myself.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

Yeah Dreamfall was a much darker game in setting and themes, and I remember that while the protagonist tried some humor here and there it was just not as rewarding to interact with certain impractical things or be goofy like you could with April. April's journal was also worth reading for some funny summaries of events, but Zoe's was generally pretty dry and more pragmatic.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I still remember getting stuck on some underwater puzzle in Arcadia and dropping the game for a while before coming back and admitting defeat with a walkthrough guide. Definitely a game where you need to hang up your pride sometimes haha. I enjoyed both games, though Dreamfall was sadly missing some of the humor and silliness (it did try... a little). I have fond memories of the series though.

[–] 5 points 6 days ago (3 children)

EV driving really shines in local trips, which is the majority of most people's driving. My husband and I have solar panels and a plug in hybrid, so his commute to work every day is essentially free for us (aside from wear and tear). If you're regularly driving long hauls then fully EV doesn't seem to make sense yet, but for every day driving, the trade off of having cheaper daily trips with occasional higher expenses for long hauls probably still nets a lower cost per mile.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

It basically describes the idea of a digital replicant though. Your body dies but you'd have a perfect copy of your consciousness to continue on without mortal constraints.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I'm quoting the article since you said you weren't able to read it. For the most part I agree most animals are happy to live and let live and most animal attacks are easily avoided.

But, then I've also met Canada geese, so I'm reserving judgement, myself.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Makes me think this is like most animal "attacks" and the result of a human mistaking reality for a Disney movie. The vast majority of the time the human starts it intentionally or be thinking wild animals are tame and pissing them off.

The victim was a jogger in a park, the article was positing that it was territorial behavior based on protecting their young but they "came out of nowhere" as far as she was concerned.


One of my favorite home made flavors is MANGO! Don't try to tell me it should be a sorbet, I don't care.

Makes about 2qts


1 cup light cream 2 cups mango puree or blended frozen mangos 3/4 cup white sugar 4 tbps mango or coconut rum (~12% alcohol) ~3/4 cup whole milk

In a blender, add about 2 1/2 cups of frozen mango chunks and the 1 cup cream and blend until smooth. Add some milk as needed for blending. You should end up with approximately 3 cups of a mango and cream mixture. Pour it into an 8 cup "batter bucket"*. Add the sugar and rum and stir until the sugar is dissolved and you no longer feel grains (can take a minute). Add the milk to get the mixture up to the 4 cup line of the batter bucket, approximately 3/4 cup. Stir, and once it's a homogeneous color pour into a 2qt ice cream maker to churn. It should be in a soft serve state within 15min if you used frozen mango, or 20-25min if you used a mango puree. Remove from ice cream maker when it's the consistency of soft serve frozen yogurt and scoop into containers of your choosing. Allow it to firm up in the freezer for a few hours.

*it's a giant measuring cup that also works as a mixing bowl and it's immensely useful for ice cream making and anything else where you need to end up with a finished product that has to be poured.

The alcohol helps keep the ice cream from freezing too hard since this recipe doesn't have as much fat. The mango rum I use is by Cruzan and personally I can't taste it in the ice cream, but serve to kids at your own discretion.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

For those who missed the trailer:

Don't try to tell me Beyond Earth was a sequel, Stellaris is more of a sequel to SMAC than BE was.


Found myself starting to think about trying some new thing that sounded cool, and realized it might be fun to think about all of the random interests, crafts, hobbies and pursuits I've chased on tangents to my life. It's easy to feel like a bum or a failure for dropping hobbies and that could cause hesitation in starting something new, but on sheer volume I bet some of us have impressive lists. Requirement is that it never made you real dependable income and wasn't a career for you. Aside from that, sky is wide open. It can be something you tried for a few weeks, years, or still do. What's your trail of hobbies?

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