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[–] 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

To be honest, countries don't have right to exists countries don't have rights. Rights are inneherently for humans. It's a stupid notion, countries are established by violence and their borders are enforced through violence, it means that Israel or any country has the right to use violence against those whom they judge to threaten their existence. And that includes the population of said country, if the people of country A decides one day to become country B, they can't because country A has a right to exist but not the none-existing country B.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I think we have a different view of spying, this can also be Russians just want a prisoner swap.

All intelligence services have people working for them undercover, you can be hired by or talked into doing x and y by an some intelligence service, you can also be asked to share information with them. They can even help you getting in contact with the right people to make what ever you're trying to do easier.

You can say that a journalist will publish it findings, but also the journalist can do a lot of other things. I mean I can think of multiple things that the CIA would be interested in that is not necessarily related to the journalistic job. Like recruiting a spy inside Wagner, milking information that is a secret: locations, personnel or arsenal. It can also be a damageing story, Russias official stance is that Wagner is not controlled by the state.

Is he a spy? Does he become a spy if he is spying?

Anyways we don't know, Russia maybe just wants s prisoner swap, and maybe this journalist was digging in places that he shouldn't have. We arrest Russian and Chinese spies all the time, some of them are working as journalists.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (4 children)

The whole issue is your "if", basically you don't know, and you are just guessing. Out of curiosity how do define a spy?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Yeah I agree, it's impossible to know if he's a spy or not. He might even not know he had shared intresset with other agencies, someone might have led him closer to Wagner than he initially intended.

But he does raise a lot of questions for the Russian it intelligence.

[–] -3 points 2 months ago (8 children)

Do you actually think that intelligence agencies are only in contact with one guy? Why wouldn't the CIA be interested in a reporter traveling to Russia to do a story about Wagner?

[–] 5 points 3 months ago

Sure you can, but if your friend does it, work, school, parents etc etc... You are going to end up online without knowing.

[–] -1 points 3 months ago

Yeah the legalise happens to be in the back pocket of sundar pichai. ???

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

This is not accurate, we have coal power in Sweden as well, but not at large scale, also they try to cover it as burning olive seeds, but that is just some percent of the coal they are burning.

EDIT: seems like they closed the last coal powerplant in 2020.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Read the article:

They sold access to the botnet.

Also the botnet was used to acquire:

Coronavirus aid relief claims, "resulting in the loss of billions of dollars to the US government."

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Eftersom SD saknar riktig politik eller politiska ståndpunkter (förutom invandringen), så hittar de på saker för att polarisera landet, de försöker driva diskussionen i olika kulturämnen som inte betyder ett smack. Detta är en strategi som man ser hoss republikanerna i USA, conservativa och ukip i Storbritannien, och andra diverse fascist partier i Europa.

Det är ett vinnande koncept för partier som drar det, men man kommer oftast inte så långt och man förstör det politiska klimatet i landet.

Personligen tror jag också att det finns en koppling mellan rysksäkerhetstjänst och denna typ av polarisering.

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