
joined 2 years ago

It was good - hope to see you on Nostr.

If not, we will meet somewhere down the line again, I am sure.

[–] Lovstuhagen@exploding-heads.com 5 points 1 year ago (6 children)

The potential for future growth being very limited, and people spending hundreds of dollars a year on the server (a price that will only go up) plus all the effort in posting content...

I see the reason to not continue here.

These guys just discuss hack stuff it seems..?


I keep getting this error whenever I am trying to post images at all - whether it is with the PC or Android phone, and even when trying to edit or create the banner/icons for communities.

It just pops up in the lower left corner as:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'R', "Request er"... is not valid JSON

What's going on my coders?


America First Legal, a nonprofit group headed by former Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller, has filed a lawsuit against Washington Gov. Jay Inslee to stop the enforcement of a state law that allows minors to get sex-reassignment surgeries without their parent’s permission.

The conservative group says the Senate Bill 5599, signed by Gov. Inslee in May, "creates a dangerous incentive for minors who disagree with their parents on ‘gender-affirming care’ to run away to a shelter or host home."

SB 5599 allows host homes "to house youth without parental permission." Furthermore, the host homes do not need to notify parents about where their kids are or if they are getting medical interventions "if there is a compelling reason not to, which includes a youth seeking protected health services."

The "protected health care services" included "gender-affirming care," which for minors arbitrarily included anything prescribed by doctors to treat dysphoria, the bill said.

"Gender-affirming treatment can be prescribed to two-spirits, transgender, nonbinary, and other gender diverse individuals," the bill states.

Democratic lawmakers at the time described gender-reassignment surgery as "life-saving."

48 sugar cubes? My word...

Imagine a giant tea with forty eight cubes of sugar in it... Or a giant coffee...

Would be healthier than this monstrosity.

That's cool

No prob at all

I'm also having this issue where I can never upload images or pictures as new threads successfully, whether it's cut copy paste on a pc or uploading an image from either the pc or android phone

My most controversial take is that the animal rights movement is basically Ninety percent right. I eat as vegetarian as possible but I allow myself meat on like half the days but I try to minimize it.

I also have this other view... That mass production has actually ended up breaking the world economy. Certain countries are damned to be just resource harvesters and others get to reap all the benefits. Neocolonialism is a real phenomenon...and it's bad.

So I actually have two views that alienate me from a lot of conservatives here....

But my views that alienate me from liberals.... They're more obvious. But not controversial in the context of history. Like telling the audience of humanity past, present, and future that it's bad to cut your dick off or for men to take dicks in the ass or women to marry other women is about as controversial as announcing that "pissing in a glass and drinking it isn't good." yes, some Indians will disagree, but life be like that.

And to me that could even mean that he is something of a deep state approved candidate - he postures hard on the culture wars, but he is going to be dramatically pro-Israel and you can see him even being more interventionist than Trump potentially.

This is a really good point conerning the vaxx.

The vax might actually sink Trump's legacy over time.

Posted by a woman so there is some credibility here.

DeSantis is also quite young for a politician - in his forties.

It'll be interesting to see if Newsom wants to take some kind of revenge on this little district.

I think he won't because he eventually does want to run for President and can't act that extreme.


I’ve written two columns about the late Calvin Coolidge this month (here and here) in honor of the 100th anniversary of him being sworn in as President. Engaging with the thirtieth President again these few days, I’ve been particularly impressed by his thrift. Public thrift, that is: every year Coolidge was in office the federal budget shrank, so that when he left the White House in 1929 it was lower by almost a third than when he’d taken office—a very unusual thing with American Presidents.

Contrast that with today, when the federal government is hosing money around as if it could just print as much as it wants to—which of course it can.

Is it money well spent? I wish I could think so. Washington Post, Thursday last week, headline: Biden asks for $20.6 billion for Ukraine as counteroffensive sputters.[ by Jeff Stein and Marianna Sotomayor, August 10, 2023]

Will that money be well spent in what, when hostilities started, I referred to as “the war between the world’s two most corrupt white nations”?

In reference to that I should say that Ukraine is looking a tad better corruption-wise than it was a year and a half ago. I just checked the latest rankings on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. On the 2022 figures, Ukraine ranks 116 out of 180, in between The Philippines and Zambia. Russia meanwhile is still stuck down at 137, between Paraguay and Kyrgyzstan. (The U.S.A., people always want to know? We ranked 24, between the Seychelles and Bhutan.)

That’s not the most bizarre thing I’ve read this week on federal spending, though—not by a long way. Here is the easy winner.

By way of preface, let me remind you about SIGAR. That stands for Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, an agency of the federal government created in 2008 by George W. Bush to oversee our reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan.

So … after we cut and ran from Afghanistan two years ago, SIGAR was disbanded, right? Saving the feds a lot of unnecessary expenditure, right?

Wrong! SIGAR is still with us; its website is still up and running; and it’s still issuing reports.

The report tells us that since our undignified exit from Afghanistan in 2021 the federal government, through Congress of course, has appropriated over $2.35 billion in funds for Afghanistan reconstruction and humanitarian efforts.

The Biden administration has in fact been, according to the Daily Caller, the single largest donor of taxpayer money to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan since the U.S. evacuated forces.

nd these lavish public spending policies have of course an immigration dimension. That is true even down at the state level, although immigration is supposed to be a federal responsibility. Here’s a headline from the Boston Herald: Massachusetts spending $45M a month on programs for migrants, displaced families, Healey says, by Chris Van Buskirk, August 8, 2023.

Governor Healey is of course begging the feds for financial assistance, so chances are this will come out of our federal taxes eventually, one way or another.

What happened to the principle that foreigners coming into the U.S.A. for settlement have to prove they are self-supporting? Oh for goodness’ sake, Derb, don’t be so old-fashioned. That kind of thinking went out with buttoned boots.

And the Massachusetts number is peanuts compared to what New York City is begging for. Just the city, mind; not much awareness has yet seeped up to the state government in Albany.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams told us on Wednesday that the cost of housing and caring for illegal aliens in the city will be twelve billion dollars over the next three years.


All of my posts from yesterday appear to have been wiped out - whether they were comments or OPs.

I am guessing this had something to do with setting the server back to the last usable time or some such?

Regardless, some quality content lost.

I'll try to repost where applicable.

What is also funny is that the reparations article was presented without commentary and the shock was that it was such a massive number that had been paid, decade after decade...

A truly progressive group would also point out that this money was going largely towards Israel, which is an apartheid state, to back up Israeli narratives... But that isn't really what those leftists over there complaining about this are, now is it?

Just wild stuff - "These guys are right wing and mentioned the Holocaust... Must only be to deny it." lol.


As per usual, the proposed icon is the Union Jack.

Proposed background image is this iconic image of Tower Bridge.


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