@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games This is what Doink the Clown would have looked like if he was in the Attitude Era of WWE/WWF.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games I tried to download this game magazine but for some reason I get this "Sorry, this page doesn't exist. Please check the URL or go back a page. 404 Error. Page Not Found." Can you check it out?
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games Looks at Softography Mega Man 9 in a 2000 video game magazine? The game wouldn't exist until 2008. That has to be a typo. I think GamesMaster really meant to say Mega Man 8.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games Just one more Dreamcast Magazine to go. Oh, I want to point out a website error. Issue 32 and this issue year should be 2002 not 2001. https://www.outofprintarchive.com/catalogue/dreamcastmagazine.html
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games Am surprised you haven't announced this on your website. Still this is great.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games OK, I'll give it your word. I just want to make sure the file I am downloading to my computer doesn't have any virus.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games I tried to download this video magazine but for some reason my anti-virus program on my computer thinks it might have a computer virus on it. Can you check that out please.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games Am sorry to hear that. I do hope you'll get your hands on the two issues of NMS and as well as NGC Magazine issue 108 in the future. Keep up the good work on those video game magazines. I really appreciate what you're doing.
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games When will we get to see issue 4 and 5 of Nintendo Magazine System?
@OutofPrintArchive@mstdn.games All that is left now is NGC Magazine Issue 108 and you finally complete the N64/NGC set.