
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

My guy calculating the rotation of the planets the sun and the holy spirit, the alignment of the polar axes, the capacity of a black hole and the velocity Jesus exiting the cave, all according to the Judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale before taking a shot lmao

(I hate seeing missing bullets from the mag/clip so i reload instantly even if its 99/100, if that makes you feel better lol)


Do you think there is a viable solution for the next GTA Online so as to not piss off everyone?
Do they have heist bunkers bikers etc etc etc from day 1 or they start vanilla all over again and add stuff? IMO that's backtracking a LOT of content. I don't mean that they make the exact game, but at least as much content as is in the latest iteration of GTA:O.
Do they transfer anything from the previous Online? Money? Value of all property ?

Obviously no one knows, just starting a conversation out of curiosity for how people would like this to go.