
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I miss the “open” attitude of Android and the willingness to be more customer focused from Android Manufacturers.

Apple notably prioritises profit over customer’s ability to use their devices as they choose. For example:

The resistance to move to USB-C although it would clearly benefit their users and they already did it on their pro products like MacBooks as they know it’s the superior standard. The EU had to step in on Apple customers behalf.

The lack of developments to control Apple products customers have purchased on other platforms, like no Android app for child controls on iOS devices, and controls for things like HomePods.

Lack of user profiles on iPads as they want you to buy a iPad for every member of the family and force them to be single user devices. Tablets are the perfect multiple user devices in the home. Android sported this years ago.

Lack of touchscreen “flip” style MacBooks, as they want you to buy a MacBook and iPAD

The ridiculous amount of default iCloud storage for a $1K purchase. Apple gives you 5GB which you quickly fill up then it’s pushing you to buy a plan. Android/Google gives you 15GB free, 3X as much!

Lack of development of iCloud apps for web browser access. You can access google calendar, google drive, google photos using any browser, on any computer, on any operating system anywhere in the world. And the UI is superb. Apple is very very poor in comparison, as they want you to purchase another device.

So I miss how much Android manufacturers actually make it easy for their customers to have free consumer choice


Interested in what people think as an overall score for the A17 Pro bionic? Whilst still a very good chipset overall I’m giving it a 6/10 for the following reasons:

  1. Thermal performance is notably worse than A15 and A16 chipsets

  2. speed improvements aren’t that great over the A16 chipset, with no new functionality (AI chip etc)

  3. the graphics improvements it has brought (Ray tracing, PS4 console games) are largely unsupported and will probably stay that way until the A17 chipset comes out

So people, what is your grade for the A17 Pro Bionic?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

This is a very Apple move, prioritise Apple device sales over customer freedom, choice and enjoyment. They are notably bad at this compared to Samsung, Google etc