Dammit, the Sox were going for him
big guy
has cat ever rubbed you with their face
I knew it was a fake quote, didn't know it was Galloway
just depressing to post this now
I've seen some silver lining takes, one that a weak Assad barely holding things together was more in the interests of the west than what just happened, and another that Israel's invasion past the Golan heights will over-extend them even more. IDK what to think of that, but could it be possible?
The Iranian government came about because of a popular revolution. The Ba'athisr regime came about because of a military coup. I think that inherently leaves it in a stronger position than Assad would be, but it's big weakness is that its eroded its base of popular support by educating and developing the country. It's created more of the kinds of people who wanted secular leftist revolution in the seventies. The best critique of Iran I heard was that they've done an incredible job educating women, but they place restrictions on women that no educated woman can accept.
I had a dream last night that Draymond Green was destroying Super Mario 64 so no one could play it anymore, because he felt it was artistically complete and there was nothing more to discover in that game.
Joyce is one of my favorite libs
I dislike Patrick Mahommes and the Chiefs.