
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Don't worry it will get better and in the long term you will feel even better than before you quit reddit. For me quitting reduced the time spent on my phone by more than an hour per day.


Since the topic adventure paths came up here recently I thougt I'd ask y'all what your best advice is when it comes to running them.

The thing I learned was read the whole thing. Best is if you manage to do this before the first session so you can help your players engeneer their background story along the adventure path.


For example yesterday my level 7 group, which was already weakened after the had to retreat fought against two naunets.

First the naunets used dimension door to get to the fleeing party. Then they used their solid fog to impede the parties retreat which allowed them to down the parties rogue and cleric. When the parties sorcerer tried to escape, one of them used his tail attack to grapple him. In the end he managed to free himself and lure the naunets away so the barbarian could pick up the rogue and the cleric. But it was a very close call and the naunets definitvely managed to show what they've got.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I just think that most of the people complaining probably don't want to mod themselve. As long as reddit has no way to replace most of the mods and as long as the mods keep up their protest reddit will only be semi-functional.