
joined 5 years ago
[–] 15 points 2 days ago

all of the people who were part of Anonymous who were worth a damn at hacking back in the day work for the state department now. The movement could very likely have been a psyop, given how many high-level hackers from that era there are on government payroll.

I stand in solidarity with the gay furry hackers.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago

Apparently, it was first reported that the F-16 was shot down. Then the story was pulled and replaced with one about it crashing on its own accord.

If the guy who is being reported as "the best pilot in Ukraine" crashed an F-16 during a mission, that says much worse things about the Ukrainian Air Force.

Mind you, Russia has sophisticated anti-air capabilities and can easily dominate Ukrainian airspace if they need to. But, sure, that billion-dollar high-tech jet fighter crashed itself.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

losers want to say that it's pay to win, and that's the main criticism that you'll see when you look into the game. The second criticism you'll find is people being sinophobic about the game's developers being Chinese.

I haven't put a single cent into the game, but that hasn't put me at a disadvantage against the players who do buy currency. If you understand tactics and make smart choices, the gear tier of your enemies never actually matters. It's not pay to win, because you'd have to actually win as a result of putting money in.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

is anybody else playing Arena Breakout Infinite?

I've been playing it since it was released to EA and I'm loving it.

[–] 12 points 2 months ago (4 children)

All I'm seeing is people putting themselves into hysterics talking about it on social media, demanding that it has to be staged and his death would be an objectively good thing. And it's all just people who don't know what they're talking about, but refuse to ever shut up.

The right is going to retaliate for this eventually, but Trump getting off with only a minor injury was the best possible outcome of this. If the injury was serious or fatal, the fascist bandit armies would come out in droves. It would be worse for everyone. Remember a few years ago when the right kept doing terror attacks in progressive spaces? Imagine how much worse that would be if their dear leader was murdered on camera. Liberals really need to stop celebrating the idea of this attempted assassination, all it did was open a door that none of us should want to go through. This is a rallying cry for the right, this is a green light for violence. The far-right will use this event for years to come to justify murders and hate crimes.

[–] 50 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I won't discount the possibility that it's staged, but this one doesn't ring that bell for me.

It's very possible that some liberal with a rifle and a dream thought he'd become a hero. Given the media coverage that Trump gets from the """left""", it's most likely that he's just the victim of someone who lost the mental health battle.

By all accounts, he had to have been actually injured based on the wound and the blood pattern. More than what a razor blade could do. As well, Trump would've needed to make the incision himself. It's extremely unlikely that he would've agreed to do something like this while he's already leading in the polls and doesn't need a stunt.

His reaction is also normal for someone who has just been grazed by a bullet. The first thing our body will do in an extreme situation is fill our brain with adrenaline, numbing pain. It's well documented that soldiers could be shot more than once in combat before fully realizing what's happened, this is even more true for grazes. An injury like this won't be fatal, and won't cause any long-term damage. His ear will get patched up, and he'll be back to normal with nothing but a scar and possible mental anguish.

And I'd like to close with a personal gripe, I'm seeing way too many people who aren't big into marksmanship not understanding why the shot missed. The head is a target the size of a cantaloupe, and a man like Trump never stops moving. From the noise of the rounds in the footage, I estimate a minimum distance of 150m. That is a damn difficult shot to make, of course it's going to miss. Then factor in that the shooter took (I counted but could be wrong) three shots. After that first round, it gets significantly harder to keep the rifle on target. The two follow-up shots might as well have been directed at random. Media has made so many people believe that hitting shots like that is easy, but it really isn't. Please stop with this one.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

The simplest explanation is that the American "left" is rightwing, because they've been told that actual leftism is bad.

We're only told about leftist ideology or politics in the context of "these bad people in the past did bad things", and many Americans refuse to actually tackle those lies. because of this, no one in the American "left" is willing to be anti-capitalist in any way that actually matters. Nor are they willing to use materialism in their dialectics, because their political education comes from Liberalism, so they're more willing to listen to right-wing talking points and integrate them into their views.

This is why you'll see Americans who'll call themselves "leftists" pair a statement for working rights with a statement against immigration. Or you'll see them decry the horrors of fascism, then support whatever new war NATO has wrought.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Anarchists will really try to rip us apart for being "authoritarian", but when you ask them how their system would deal with crimes, upholding socialism, or maintaining any semblance of order, their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.

Genuinely had an Anarchist call me an "evil person" and a "future baby killer" for saying that I'm ML. Then when I asked them about their proposed methods for preventing counter-revolution, they described a system where anyone can murder anyone else if the victim was suspected of wanting to act against the revolution. No trial, no investigation, just the word of the murderer.

Edit to add another thought to; "their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours."

If it's not more extreme, it's lax to the point of being nothing. So the poles are either a system of total chaos, or substanceless idealism.

[–] 28 points 6 months ago

me when a fellow ML says "tankie";

me when literally anyone else does;

[–] 123 points 6 months ago (4 children)

"made them the dominate voice"

bro, tankies made lemmygrad for tankies

[–] 18 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

once again right-leaning proletariats show that they're still better than any Western politician.

It's almost as though the people who actually live and work with certain things know more about it than liberal politicians. I would, of course, prefer if they'd use class consciousness and advocate for a leftwing solution to the green deal. But I can't really change reality.

[–] 36 points 10 months ago

trot to fascist pipeline showing itself again


It looks like people are having a really rough time lately, in the aims of improving the mental well-being of our comrades please consider this post an open forum to vent frustrations about whatever is bothering you.

If you're currently having a hard go of it, remember that we here at the 'grad care about you.


In light of user Wisconcom's community Hoxhaism (created using an alternate account named Ouisconkom), and the anti-China/anti-Mao sectarianism that permeates the rhetoric of the community. It has come to our attention that some members of the community are unhappy with this sort of content being allowed.

In the past, we've removed other Ultra-leftists, such as Patriotic Socialists, for their sectarianism. And some of the admins feel this might be a time to do that again.

Lemmygrad's success depends on transparency and communication between the user base and the admins, so we would like the Lemmygrad community to tell us how they feel about this possible issue.


I've tested this out over concrete slabs and over nutrient-starved sand. As long as your bed of mulch and good growing material is thick enough you can grow just about anything. Though, even with the modified method where you add bagged dirt on top of the mulch, I found it difficult to grow anything with short roots.


cross-posted from:


also note that most of those subs are the ones that fuckin full-on slurp up anything anti-china, and that most of them are anarchokiddie subs.


this is probably the wrong community for a conversation with nothing (or little) to do with communism, but I wanna read your "I was doing illegal shit" stories. Those are fun as hell.

I'm bad at stories but I'll tell one. I do graffiti, have been since I was ~15. When I was like 17 or so I was out with some friends doing some tagging, my friends decided it'd be a wonderful idea to break into the brewery and do a piece on their grain silo. This fuckin pillar of a thing's like 100ft tall, you can see it for miles around town, and as well it's very central to the town so it's guaranteed that anything we paint on it will be seen by thousands.

We were able to find a hole in the fence and snuck interior of the warehouse, found the stairs to the top, climbed all the way up to start painting our crew's name (SOLS, our names together Sketzo, Owln, Leet, and Semo). We were about two letters into the piece when we heard a really loud "hey!" from some cops parked on the nearby bridge looking in our direction. We could tell that they didn't actually see us but were aware that we were there, so we tried to sneak back down the stairs. We weren't aware that there were already cops in the warehouse along with the brewery's owner - because we tripped an alarm and the guy got an automated alert.

About halfway down the steps is when we realized that the warehouse was being searched, Sketzo thought it'd be a good idea to scream out "fuck the cops" and fuckin book it. He got about ten feet before being immediately tazed. We ran as fast as we could to the near-ish-by treeline to hide, meanwhile cops shine flashlights around and try to chase us. Thankfully we lost them in the suburbs by hiding in a garden shed. moral of the story; stay aware of your surroundings, so at the first sight of trouble, you can run.


To quickly explain, one of the empires I was bordering (a fanatic spiritualist imperial state) decided to get aggressive towards me after I integrated my two protectorate states. I, in my infinite machine wisdom, decided I wasn't going to take shit from some space cultists and declared war. I didn't check to see if they had alliances or defence pacts. And as it turned out, the entire galaxy turned on opinion (forming federations and defence pacts with each other, coming to aid of the space cultists), so in a panic I did a quick create_navy 10. hence the shitty resources.

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