Shows that explore the implausible run the risk of getting lost and becoming incoherent. Fringe definitely got into that problem, but managed to pull it together into an emotionally satisfying conclusion - while not all elements really made sense, it felt right.
But that was exactly what they wanted, hate clicks are eyeballs nonetheless
Nope. You need bots to coordinate pixels, people have better things to do than login there.
I think mozilla succinctly explained the flaw in the proposal. Introducing technology to make the lives of the majority better is great, but if the necessary side-effect is to permanently exclude a minority of people from the internet, then that isn’t cool.
I’m a big fan of publii - nice to use, simple, no server-side stuff, so free web hosting should cover all you need.
Peek posting, nothing more to sea hear
I’m sure there are places like the internet archive who have copies, your stuff isn’t gone if you delete it.
Reddit is like the ex who cheated on you, that person isn’t the person you knew. Now you can leave behind your stuff at their place, but why would you? You are rewarding them by gifting your stuff, making them more respectable and credible, than you know they really are.
People say move on. Move on, and take your stuff with you.
I thought every gold was bought, with points, which were bought with money. So if you see a gilded post, someone paid for that - maybe not the person who awarded it directly if they were gifted points, or received points as part of an award (which cost more points to cover that).
So basically all those awards were a good indicator of how much was being spent on Reddit and in which forums that financial engagement was being valued.
So if some ‘popular’ forums suddenly stop being gilded, then it is a good indicator that the forum has now been abandoned by the most commercially valuable participants. Which looks bad when selling the site.
So Reddit took its ball back, so noone can tell where the money is but them.
Perhaps, but his response to it was just… art.
Meh, at least the voting system works again ;)
Absolutely, and it’s a terrible defence because without demonstrable evidence of consent, it is the same case as every successful prosecution case ever.
Much easier to prove and argue would be variations on “it can’t be me, I wasn’t there”, and “it goes completely against my character to do this, and everyone can vouch for that”. Both of which are conceded by the “I did it in a romantic way” defence.
Me too. I also love the microlino design, very similar but the front is the door. Reminds me of the quirky cars of the 1960s