
joined 1 year ago
[–] -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Nothing cares whether you present yourself as being nice or not. Information has no feelings.

But the Lemmy devs clearly pushed that responsibility downstream under the contractual terms of using the software. Maybe that made the agreement a bad deal, but nobody else had to ever agree to the bad terms. It seems you did agree to it. Why?

What the contract also allowed, however, was the ability for you to modify the software as you see fit. That part is a good deal. It seems the solution is staring you right in the face. Since you're already committed, why spend your typing here and not in your favourite code editor?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

if you added up all of developers at the FAANG companies you still would not have an appreciable percentage of the developers in the US workforce let alone the world.

Hmm. I've never taken "lots" to be a proportional term before. The dictionary uses "a lot of people at the gala last night" as an example of how "lots" is often used.

What kind of gala is attended by an appreciable percentage of the world's population? Words can mean whatever want them to mean, of course, but in terms of common usage, surely it implies something like hundreds of people at best?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The theory behind why CSAM is illegal is that if someone is willing to pay for CSAM it incentivizes production of even more CSAM content to receive more payment. That incentivized additional production means even more abuse. A perfectly reasonable take and something that I think can be demonstrated.

But why would you accidentally seeing CSAM prompt you to give payment to create that incentivization? Are you worried that you're a closeted pedophile that will be ready to shower those who record such content to see more and more as soon as you get your first taste?

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The comment’s math would mean developers are making roughly 306,000/year.

Yes, developers at places like Google are making that much. Not the average developer, but nobody said the average developer.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Does it make a man feel masculine to have a big bank account?

Not in and of itself.

If men believe that a big bank account attracts women, then one believing they have a larger bank account than another man may lead one to feel more masculine than the other (and vice versa). Of course, it depends on the culture. This may very well be the case in some cultures and not others.

Whether or not you share in my specific understanding, it is well documented that masculinity is cultural.

Even if no one knows his salary or net worth?

It's all about perception, so what is actually true doesn't matter. Certainly if one portrays themselves as having a high salary/net worth - e.g. driving expensive cars, wearing fancy watches, living in big houses – that may lead men to believe it. No doubt that is why men do exactly those things (at least in my culture).

If no one sees your pink underwear in public would it challenge someone’s masculinity to wear it?

Anything is possible. Again, perception, not reality. No one actually seeing your underwear doesn't mean one isn't thinking about the possibility of it being revealed. What if it slips out? What if you get into an accident and healthcare workers need to remove your pants to save you?

Having shinier peacock feathers doesn't necessarily mean you are the more virile bird, but if that's what you've got you are going to play it up to make other males think you are the one who will win the female's attention.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

My understanding of masculinity is that it is the characteristics by which other men rate a perceived level of attraction from females through which they determine a competitive standing. Men often think big muscles brings all the ladies to the yard, for example, so that is one possible display of masculinity, leaving "weaklings" to feel inadequate and of a lower standing.

My impression is that men generally believe showing off boners in public scares away the females, so it does not seem like a good candidate for being a display of masculinity. But if we assume that showing off boners is something men believe woos the women, is the aforementioned difference noticeable in practice? Science can reveal a lot of things that nobody would ever realize living out regular day-to-day life.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

It’s nice to have something to snack on that something didn’t have to die for.

At least nothing cute. As a grower of food for vegans, there are definitely animals killed in the process.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Fair, but it has also lost its connotations with being an insult over the decades.

Being a geek and/or nerd became economically useful when we moved into the information age, and thus is now considered in high regard. The average Joe is now envious of geeks and nerds. Most people would love to be able to trade places with Bill Gates or Elon Musk.

Of course, it wasn't always that way.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Geek and nerd had negative connotations when geeks and nerds were commonly poor, but then things shifted and, notably with the rise of the Information Age, being a geek and/or nerd turned into being useful in becoming wealthy. Now it is a compliment.

True of all insults, really. Same reason, for example, words with associations to slavery are considered insults. Or those related to the sale of sexual favours. The implication is that one is poor. Any words you can throw at someone who is rich will be something most people will want to wear as a badge of honour.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Should definitely make an English word for exactly that.

We have! Teacher.

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