My brain picked a motto this week as I applied for a temporary out-of-state job and considered formalizing the first draft of my next workbook. I don’t know where I heard it from, but I’ve been telling myself, “DO BIG BRAVE THINGS.” My rigid need for sameness is always at odds with a restless desire for adventure. #actuallyautistic#audhd#adhd#autism#autisticadult
@writers @audhd@actuallyautistic
When you’re an independent author, you are your own marketing team! And my marketing team forgot to post my weekly Late-Idenified #AuDHD: A Starter Workbook post.
@TechyDad @neamhsplach I hear many stories of parents discovering their own #neurodivergence through trying to protect, help, and advocate for their children’s (or other family member’s) needs. You are not alone. @actuallyautistic @audhd @Adhdinos #actuallyautistic #autism