Blood Work done! Hopefully getting it done on Injection Day (TM) before the injection will help to provide a more accurate portrayal of levels. Last time I did it in the middle of the week, closer to the injection itself, so I'm wondering what my results will look like!
Holy shit, stay safe comrade.
Of course a couple of days after I say I haven't gotten sick since transitioning, my throat starts to feel funny 😖
(there are documents? Oh dear, I haven't filled them out yet...)
I AM TOO POWERFUL :spirit-bomb:
My sister and her friend feel the same way. I haven't listened to them enough to pass judgement yet.
This is honestly how I feel right now.
Realizing now that this mega is a sequel which now has to exist in the shadow of the first mega. Will it be better? Worse? Only the ~~audience~~ users can decide!
Ahh that's why I'm gay now