
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I love Into the Odd / Electric Bastionland.

Not sure if it counts as NSR, but I am also a big fan of Forbidden Lands.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Each one trying to act normal around the others because they think they are actual humans, all while picking up weird misconceptions about how humans "really are".

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't mind it.

The first thing though is that it is never that setting, it's my take on that setting. I will be consistent with my version of the lore, but I don't worry about being true to the original version. More like a multiverse version, where lots of it is the same, but with differences as well.

And of course, because the players need to have the ability to do what they want, and they didn't exist in the original either.

Players were worried about this in a Star Wars game I ran. So, I killed Luke Skywalker, and they had to help bring the killer to justice. After that, the players started really understanding that this wasn't going to go the way of the movies.

AITAS 1e is my favorite official DrWho system also. I own 2e, but from reading it I'm not sure I'll bother switching. I like having all the traits, even though they aren't always balanced or impactful.

I often use Cypher System, but mostly because it's similar enough to D&D to not scare off my D&D only players. The Strange is a Cypher System game that has some DrWho themes, and is pretty easy to use.

Cortex works really well. Cortex Prime is the version that is currently in print, but I usually use Firefly because it's simpler to get started in. Cortex is a bit like a cross between Savage Worlds and Fate, and is great for being really flexible.