At least you can fork ff
More to the point, what's average salary at a university? That's 400 people on 50k a year (or something other, less equitable split).
My local uni occasionally posts jobs - none of them were anything close to that rate of pay...
Pretty sure Hertfordshire (where Hitchin is) is East of England
This but with wealthy parents.
Except it causes anxiety and depression so nobody is going to give a shit.
Me too! But only on one arm.
Thanks, mild localised hypermobility.
They do in Scarborough, I'd wager it's similar in Hull also.
Also that he thinks that it's anyone's fault but his for chucking it away. I know he says that an ex did it, but he left it in a drawer and forgot about it. If it was thrown by a partner surely they'd be liable (by his logic)?
the law states that property deposited at landfill sites belonged to the local authority, and that its environmental permits forbade it from disrupting the area in pursuit of the hard drive.
Also, this. He's just going to make noise and waste a lot of money here I fear.
As originally conceived, the engineer's iron ring rubs against the drawings and paper upon which the Engineer writes and even in modern times, serves as a reminder when working on a computer.
Think it's intended more for the design engineer than the construction engineer.
But that said you can get some decent silicone rings that won't de-glove you if they get caught these days.