Really decent.
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It's going to be on while I work for the rest of the week. Lots of cool techniques for me to learn. I knew about all the functionality, I just didn't have the vision to realize it could be used in such an entertaining way.
I just got a MicroFreak in June. It's my first hardware synth. I've seen plenty of people make full songs out of individually recorded tracks but I didn't realize it could be so fun just on it's own.
Was this yours in the video?
No, but I'd love to make one some day :) YouTube just suggested it to me, I search for MicroFreak a lot these days. I guess my first comment didn't really make that clear. What I meant to say is VolcaNiced showed me how fun it could be on it's own.
After watching this for the 5th time today I searched for "MicroFreak Sequencer Tutorials", watched a few boring ones, then I saw VolcaNiced has a tutorial! It's priceless material, anyone with a MicroFreak or other synth with an advanced sequencer in it should give it a watch. Maybe this is basic synth sequencer 101 stuff but I'm a beginner at it and it's blowing my mind how fun it is. I could do this all day.