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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/OSfrogs on 2024-01-22 16:13:19+00:00.
Looking at r/technology and other subs about technology they have a large userbase that is extremely pessimistic towards AI. Whenever the topic of AI comes up some of the most popular comments are always ones that are antagonistic towards the capabilities of generative AI. Every time a post has AI in the title you can bet some of the most popular comments are ones about how AI is "Buzzword" and how chatGPT is a toy with no real applications. Others believe it is largely being overhyped and that the whole AI craze is just a stock pump that will fizzle out like NFTs did. This is very surprising considering AI is one of the biggest things happening you would think it would have more nuanced positions considering their are also people who think this might be the start of something big.