"20 bear asses" quests
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Unnatural audiologs/notes. I'm talking about the kind of notes like
"Its chasing me, the monster is on my heels! I can hear it scratching at the door. I hope it doesn- bleeaargh"
Who writes or takes the time to take down a note when they're running for their lives? It's super lazy writing.
Just found Skyrim plantation CC with a handwritten note literally ending like "..., wait I hear someth-"
I’m not sure this counts, but story and gameplay segregation. These things should be in harmony as much as possible so when we see a character do or not do something which doesn’t apply in gameplay it comes off as not being a totally thought out and seamless development.
EnOuGh! 90% into a boss fight.
Monster hunter series has worst storytelling of any game I played, but it's hard to even count Monster Hunter as i am pretty sure the story counts as an excuse for gameplay.
Sunbreak final boss: Pretty cool mission where you realise the monster you are fighting is battling the same enemy as you, so you let him go so he can continue to protect the country.
Sunbreak optional quest: "Hey, Primordial Malzeno is back! Too bad he's gone berzerk, so you have to slay him!"
What annoys me particularly about Sunbreak and makes it go from "overly convenient but empty" to "bad" is Dame Fiorayne, who is ALMOST an ok character, but every time she wants to do something, all the other characters put her down and say she's being too hot headed and you should do it instead. Basically they're calling her a "dramatic woman" when she's not anything like that and it's clearly the perception of some horrible male writer. At least Monster Hunter World respects women, bruh. World also has imo better presentation of its story and makes up better excuses for you showing up to help... by a VERY MARGINAL AMOUNT. Gameplay wise i feel the story mode of Sunbreak is a lot better QOL-wise but the endgame of World is more satisfying.
Cutscenes. All of them. If you're going to tell a story using the medium of videogames, use the medium. Tell the story through gameplay, through interactions. If you're going to waste my time by making me put the controller down and narrating at me, go and make TV or movies instead.
I blame your mentions on the crazy theroy that games should have all at the opening, because not everybody might make it to the end.
I suppose it's the same ludicrous notions by trailers that blast the eye catching bits at the start to get you to keep watching.
This is more of a gameplay thing, but writing a scenario in an action game where I have to intentionally go slow and stalk someone
Bring x amount of an item for almost no gain...
It's not just a video game thing, but I really hate the "destroy the queen and all of her minions die too" trope.
“You’re the hero, the powerful person destined to save us all, but can you just do my shopping for me? Also my dog needs a walk and my toilet needs cleaning”
Why don’t I just become your butler and give up the whole protagonist hero gig?
Any bullshit excuses in sequels, to have us repeat the same shit we did in the first game or acquire the same weapons or techniques we unlocked through playing on the first game.
I'm looking at you, Horizon Forbidden West, GoW Ragnarok, marvels Spiderman 2 etc. Why the hell would I wanna start off weaker than the previous games ending? Defies all logic and sense. And any excuses like "duh the machines in FW have new code so you have to re-tame them all over again" or whatever bs writing excuse to remove guardian shield skills is such bs
For the love of God just let us build upon where we left off in term of skill and powre if its literally the same fucking characters ffs.
I hate this trend so much.
Multiverse or time travel as main plot devices. It really only works if it's not serious and self-deprecating, any serious attempts are doomed to turn into laughable mess.
The knockout cutscene.
Had one in cyberpunk but it's in other games. You can easily defeat waves of enemies, slow time or make people's head explode, see through walls, survive gunfire and explosions, whatever. Your character is the ultimate killing machine able to win fights naked against nearly anything, short of a legendary military grade borg.
Pass a door, knocked out.
I think the one saving grace I'll give this trope is that most RPGs don't factor the RPG mechanics into the world. Like the power the player has is often there for the fun, not the story. So in their eyes it makes sense that someone could choke you out from behind or non-lethal you like you can do to enemies.
That being said, this trope extends to a LOT of other things. Like you can hack through a safe lock with ease, but a random apartment code lock or elevator lock is the line that stops you.
Or you have piles of meds that can basically revive you from being burnt to ash, yet someone gets stabbed once and they're dead no matter what.
Cut scenes that take you captive even though in the game you would have used weapon and heals to stop it from happening.
You missed the point of Sable. The game was never about the ending, but the journey to get there.
When you are doing really well in a fight and get the boss down to 0 hp. And then it goes to a cutscene where your team is losing the fight. Why even give me the option to do well if it doesn’t matter? Especially as if you lose the fight it’s a game over and doesn’t go to that cutscene.
Leaving the story unresolved and only conclude it in a dlc
whole Starfield and most Bethesda crap
Blocking the players' path over and over to artificially add length to a game. Locked doors, blocked paths, broken bridges...
New objective: Find another way
Villain: "Muahha having you gradually destroy my minions and bases bit by bit was part of the plan all along! My ridiculously complicated and nonsensical plan to lure you here for the real trap!"
I agree with you OP. I will get a lot of flak for this but that was, Control for me. I thought the games narrative and lore building was fantastic but it felt it it was building to something that just never came. I am happy I didn’t know it was part of the Alan wake universe as I would have never played it as those games aren’t my cup of tea so every silver lining. But ye, what a narrative and then just nothing
Resident Evil 4 "this gate is locked from the other side." Yet has bars wide enough so that Leon could probably shove his head through, nevermind his hand to simply unlock it. But no I've got to wander around a castle for half an hour until I can reach the other side of it. Resident Evil is also occasionally very guilty of the whole "oh no I can't pass this way because a knee high obstacle is in the way that I inexplicably can't jump over"
samus aran fell down some stairs and all the power ups shot out of her suit. 10/10.
Lung capacity and relationship level in GTA:sa
NPC characters that can roam around the map without having to interact with any enemies or puzzles. Bonus points if the character isn't even a fighter and should by all accounts be hiding in a closet the entire game. It took me 10 hours to get through the gate, that I was told was the only way in, I had to collect 7 keys that were all guarded by powerful bosses, HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU!?
“I’m going to forge this legendary grade weapon, and I need you to gather the materials.”
Gathers materials
“I’ve forged it! Here’s your reward!” gives 50G “Now I can sell it to you for 10,000G!”
People talking really slow to try to make everything sound more ominous or epic. They do this now 24/7. Everyone talks this way and its terrible. The current wow expansion is just people talking slow and finishing eachothers sentences
Going through a series of trials to prove your worth, and it's a combat trial, a riddle trial, and a stealth trial
The whole "character loses consciousness and wakes up in a new area". It's boring, screeches all built-up tension of the story to a halt, and isn't scary. And yes, I am specifically pointing the finger to Silent Hill.
Audio logs laying around everywhere.
Character that has been with you the whole game dies. Unable to bring them back, despite resurrection items being in your inventory.
I really wanna talk about suicide squad game but can't because of NDA ...
I'm convinced Starfield was 100% written by ChatGPT.
And it did too good a job. So they ran it through bing chat to make sure it was the worst writing in the history of story telling.
the age old line in cutscenes where the protagonist looks at a city, boss, or other plot related thing that is 100% obvious and then says "So this is _____!"
Rubber bullets
-Yakuza series
Insurmountable Waist-High Fences (or obstacles)
Exposition dump right at the beginning to get you started...
"oh hey jim, welcome back to the job you've been doing for 20 years, but I have to explain it to you again for some reason... Also, how are you doing after your wife died - who you were married to for 10 years and met on the job..."
So many games have these built up scenes between good and evil, the heroes finally catch up to the antagonist, they have them cornered. The antagonist gives a monologue and then teleports away, immediately ruining the whole scene. We had to fight our way in, but you can just teleport out?
So much tension is lost in scenarios with teleporting, it's just a bad way to put 2 sides together and resolve it with nothing happening instead of writing an escape or literally anything.
"The character needs to get from here to there, but I don't have the time to make a map for that. I guess they'll get into a teleporting coffin." cough Elden Ring cough