I don't have a good answer for your question but I'm pretty frustrated with this season so far. I'm used to Coen brothers' work having eccentric characters but these people seem more like cartoons than actual humans.
At the start of that scene Witt (ostensibly a trained police officer) has just escaped from automatic rifle fire and made it to the gas station. Instead of going inside for cover he decides to stand completely in the open, silhouetted under the overhead lights, looking out at the pitch black field where he knows the threat is coming from and will be completely invisible. Even just standing behind a gas pump or pillar would have given more of an impression that he didn't want to be shot.
Obviously it was just supposed to be for comedic effect but why would the station attendant even bother standing straight up to blast the air-horn?
We don't know her past or willingness to kill, but clearly Dot has some kind of training and would know enough to either finish off Ole Munch or at least restrain him after he was on the ground. And she was entirely too casual about walking on broken glass, especially after the immediate threat was already over.
I have issues with the personalities and even accents of almost everyone but I'll forego bitching more than I already have.