My old tv screen is flickering just looking at that thing!
Magnet Fishing
Community for general chit chat about magnet fishing, as well as a place to post your cool finds!
Posts from all parts of the world are welcome!
Won’t lie, I kept trying to figure out the logistics of the shape for the wrong reason…
Scared of a magnet?
It's going to really hurt if I get part of me between this and a big bit of metal, it weighs 2.2kg and has a pull force rating of 1600kg. Although I'm probably more worried about getting it stuck to a bridge or harbour wall and my winch or rope breaking before it comes off.
You think that’s bad, imagine two (or more) of these things getting stuck together…
I’m the technical director at a small community theatre that just finished a run of The Play That Goes Wrong. It’s a supposedly dramatic murder mystery where virtually anything that can go wrong does just that to hilarious effect. Among other things everything from portraits to sconces to window curtains fall off the walls at various times. We used roughly a dozen of these types of magnets backstage to hold the various objects up, and stagehands would pull the magnets when things needed to fall. We had to be very careful not to let the magnets get too close to one another… It happened more than once and was quite difficult to pull them apart.
Ah interesting, thanks
Those motherfuckers can hurt real bad when a part of you is between that and another metal object.