I rarely mill anything, but when I do, I use my food processor. Really want to buy a proper mill some time, probably will do next year...
Bready is a community for anything related to making homemade bread!
Bloomers, loafs, flatbreads, rye breads, wheat breads, sourdough breads, yeast breads - all fermented breads are welcome! Vienesse pastries like croissants are also welcome because technically they're breads too.
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Wecome to Lemmy! I have a Mockmill 100 and mill on demand for baking or feeding starter, maybe once a week or so. I don't bother with sifting as I feel like the flour is plenty fine on the finest setting. I use white whole wheat berries from Azure Standard (pick-up), although sometimes I throw in some spelt or einkorn or red wheat. I've even milled chickpea flour.
I've found that I get a little more rise and/or oven spring out of home-milled flour compared to store bought. You've also gotta be willing to do a lot of whole wheat, of course, because this thing sure doesn't put out white flour.