Pbta = powered by the apocalypse?
This is not a term with which I am familiar. But we have RIFTS, Fallout, After the Bomb setting for TNMT & Heroes Unlimited, Gamma World, Engine Heart.
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Pbta = powered by the apocalypse?
This is not a term with which I am familiar. But we have RIFTS, Fallout, After the Bomb setting for TNMT & Heroes Unlimited, Gamma World, Engine Heart.
Yes. PBTA = Powered by the Apocalypse.
My favorite genre is high fantasy set in a post apocalyptic world that the inhabitants may not know they are in post apocalypse. I partly attribute this to reading the Shannara series at a very young age.
I have run a few Paladium Fantasy games in this setting. The most recent one was post apocalypse Robotech. The last half or so of the campaign took place within the crashed shell of the SDF-1. The players realized where they were in the final adventure as they stumbled upon a hanger of destroids whose protoculture came to life as the party got close. The initial plan was to start a new campaign where they were Veritech pilots fighting off Zentradi who had made pacts with demons. But we ended up playing TMNT in the Wild West instead.
I have also done post apocalypse in WEG Star Wars, either starting the group in a world with no space travel, and they eventually build something, or find some way off planet. Or they crash out are otherwise stranded on a ruined world.
I love me some RIFTS... Glitter boys for days