Something about 196 being on a non-queer instance feels wrong. I can't explain it. Maybe it's because there are a lot of queer-positive posts on 196? Not sure. Meh, whatever. I think I have a vague idea of why they're moving away and quite honestly, if they want to bend to people wanting to stir shit, then maybe we're better off without them.
(Iirc the gist of it is that there was a troll who claimed to be "dragon gender" or something (which included that drag's pronouns were "drag"). Drag said a lot of nasty shit, stirred up drama, etc. People decided that was a good excuse to misgender drag and become the arbiters of what a "proper gender" is. People misgendering drag got banned, then got pissy and cried about it. In the meantime, drag was also banned at that point, it was mainly people stirring shit at that point. I'm pretty sure 196 is moving away from blä because afaik Ada takes a zero tolerance stance on intentionally misgendering people; regardless of whether or not someone's a troll.)
Quite honestly I'm kinda at the point where I'm considering quitting Lemmy entirely. Between the drama, doomposting, trolls and increase in general dickishness, it's honestly getting really bad for my mental health.