a lot of amazon sellers have listings up on ebay for literally the same prices. when you order it they just send it to you with a gift receipt and amazon does the fulfillment. i assume amazon would also handle refund/replacement with the ebay seller as a middleman. seems sketchy but i reckon it’s actually pretty beneficial to the buyer.
i haven’t used amazon since i tried to cancel prime and was strung along long enough for the site to claim i owed another $100 for a payment cycle that had JUST STARTED. luckily i used a virtual card for amazon, so i was able to just close it and refuse further payments. after that the option to cancel my membership went away entirely until i paid them the “outstanding payment” of $100.
now whenever i log in i IMMEDIATELY start getting notifications from privacy that they’re trying to charge $100 on a defunct card. they’ll do this once a day for a week or so, and then just once a week for another couple months.
the site is basically useless anyway. somehow it’s worse than fucking ETSY as far as sellers that are just dropshipping you shit for a 2 or 3x markup. anytime you find ANYTHING you wanna buy on amazon, go check china before you pull the trigger. odds are you find the same shit with the same shipping time for a fraction of the price on ali or dhgate or some shit. prime hasn’t been worth it for the better part of a decade, and it’s dreadfully apparent when you can find the same shit for sale from the same sellers, and it’s cheaper on the non-prime listing even after shipping.