Thanks for doing that. I suppose in the early days it's all a bit Wild West with people staking their claims on a patch of land but things are shaping up nicely here and I don't think just bagsying a space with explanation is acceptable.
Personal Finance for the UK
Be sensible, and do your best to fact-check yourself before posting answers.
Nothing here should be taken as financial or investment advice. If in doubt, consult a professional.
Useful links:
Citizen's Advice: Debt and Money
Volunteer-led advice service for the UK
Money Saving Expert
Generally good for squeezing pennies, site is partially funded through referrals.
Vanguard: Three reasons why timing the market is so difficult
Large self-service investment platform.
It'll come down to admin decisions, in the end.
Thankfully, it's not like domain squatting, if something is clearly not in the community's benefit, things can be changed without too much pain.
It is me sat on ukpersonalfinance, moderator of /r/ukpersonalfinance, ukpersonalfinance Discord and operator of I didn't see fit to open it currently given the sub is still operational, and fragmenting complex advice communities rarely ends well - you need to get sufficient mass of people with the actual knowledge else you end up with people asking questions and getting dangerous answers. When Reddit settles down and UKPF decides its future I will release or start using the name.
Had you messaged me I would've happily talked this over.
Might be good adding this to the info description of that community. All i see is "placeholder" which is kinda vague.