For fucks sake is everybody on the road today off their fucking heads? 2 near misses in the last 15 minutes!
1 bloke ran a stop sign and almost t boned us. Not a care in the world. Not even a sorry wave
We stopped to let a car in, and some munted tradie floored it out of a driveways a bit further down the road. He very nearly hit the person we let in. The person in front of us had to swerve into the gutter on the other side of the road to prevent it...
Green is us, yellow is the bloke we let in, red is the fuckwit that floored it out of the worksite without bothering to look
Edit: another dickhead just tried to turn into us. Couldn't even be arsed indicating. People need to fuck off and go get a fucking brain, did they get their license out a fucking box of cereal