Oy mate…
You can't park there, mate
For all parking disasters, not just simple bad parking (for that see yplac.co.uk).
Also includes "you can't park there, sir" for the police equivalent.
- No deaths or serious injuries because who would be around to get told they couldn't park there?
- Be excellent to each other
You sound just like the magistrate!
I'm surprised there's no buffers at the end of the tracks, the tracks look to just go right to the edge?
It looks like the dip in the ground is part of a transfer table that moves on top of the perpendicular rails. The original post said that the driver had requested to move to the transfer table, but was in the green locomotive, essentially driving in reverse (or forward but behind the blue loco) and couldn't see the end of the rails.
They usually put a pile of ballast
I think I have (eyesight) issues, thought that was a train set for second
Classic DB.