I self host szurubooru on a pi and upload everything again there. Then I use a python script to attempt to sync e621 tags to organise it all, though some manual tagging is required when dealing with non-e6 images.
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Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
I still use FA, I just go through my followed artists for new art, and if I don't find anything that good I fall back to my favourites. Sometimes search keywords of things I like, but quality varies drastically lol
/NSFW Furry/artist/e621-name.png
/NSFW Furry/artist/comic/1.png
This system is not perfect but because it uses the name of the image that e621 has created, it's trivial to check for duplicates unless the image source is from outside of e6 of which there are a few.
If I'm browsing e6 and I find an interesting artist, I just make a bookmark and come back later to scrape everything I like.
It's organized I swear! Sorta.. But really I just sorta do a separate dir for each artist or tags I really like. It's kinda a mess though and impossible to find stuff easily sometimes. I really gotta figure out a better system someday.
Hydrus Network, especially because of its public tag repository: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/index.html