Just buy a Wera one. Won't support a rotten company, and you'll get an ~~amazing~~ okay product, and they're not hard to find. FWIW I have never seen Steinwahl available anywhere in Germany (and I have been to Hellweg, Bauhaus, Globus, Toom, Obi, and Hornbach). On the other hand, Wera is everywhere. Even in other countries. In general the choice is between Stanley, Milwaukee, Wera, and some house brand (YMMV there). So yeah, if you can find a Milwaukee, okay, but otherwise...
Edit: I watched the video. It might also help to add that I use screwdrivers for heavy duty stuff, with quite a bit of torque sometimes.
Edit 2: oof, looks like the LTT fanboys stayed, while the general public left.