The image handling got updated in the last round, so there may be some kinks to iron out.
To help with troubleshooting - have you uploaded an image but it doesn't show in your profile or won't it let you upload at all?
Community for the Feddit UK instance.
A place to log issues, and for the admins to communicate with everyone.
The image handling got updated in the last round, so there may be some kinks to iron out.
To help with troubleshooting - have you uploaded an image but it doesn't show in your profile or won't it let you upload at all?
I had tried uploaded an returned an error, I am using eternity app, what is the image size limit?
Have you tried using the web interface instead?
The default size is 1MB but we have been fiddling with the settings, so I'd need to check.
seems to have worked, only had access to raw image on my phone so assuming size constraint.
Good to hear. 👍
Did your pfp get deleted, or would you like one to be made? has a flair for MS Paint, and would probably be keen to make you one!
I would never say no to a creative
I am aware you already have a good profile picture now! but you may as well have these squid offerings since i made em :)
Lemmy has flairs now? How does one set them?