Rust Programming
A service that downloads the weather for a region using several external apis and then checks what one is most accurate/derive your own increased accuracy weather forecast
I've also just started learning Rust. To stay motivated I've chosen a fairly basic project that helps me with a mundane every day problem that annoys me. I find it's a lot easier to be motivated to work on it because every day, I'm reminded that "oh that thing is so annoying, I need to finish that tool".
I started contributing to Veloren three years ago specifically to work on my Rust. I've learned a whole lot and have had loads of fun! Find an open source project (we'd love help out with Veloren lol) and start contributing :) Also don't be scared off if your first PR goes through a scathing code review. I had never written code as part of a group with experienced members (school projects don't count) so I was ignorant of many helpful conventions and best practices.