I also don't understand people who watch, but I mean, people must, otherwise it wouldn't exist as much as I hear it does. I would imagine it has some amount of basis in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasocial_interaction
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I don't "consume this kind of content," but I'd be lying if I said I'd never looked sometimes so I do get it on some level. The real answer is mostly that the videos you're seeing are click bait marketing and probably intended(for lack of a better word) for a younger audience.
However, sexual feelings aren't exclusively related to physical attraction. Porn is very much an impersonal and mechanical medium for sexual feelings. Someone who you have familiarity with being a really cool person can elicit so much better of an experience than a random porn video in a lot of occasions. It goes back to the para social relationship linked in another comment and there's a reason Onlyfans and things like it are so popular.