this post was submitted on 01 Oct 2020
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You guys know the real history, I'd be reading propaganda if I went on any other website

So tell me, real short, what triggered the collapse. Especially when it seemed to be doing well in the 80s.

Okay, you can get wordy if you really need to.

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[–] 0 points 4 years ago* (last edited 4 years ago)

Funny how the things you describe is how China decided to operate. Quite hilarious seeing Stalinists in other posts doing the mental contortions trying to reconcile their adherence to a strictly planned economy with their adulation for Dengist China. At least previous Stalinists were internally consistent and pivoted to Hoxhaism.

the nascent bourgeois

Hm... I wonder who came before Khrushev who let them become nascent. His name escapes me, maybe you can help?

those shot during the Moscow trials like Tukhachevsky who we know now were guilty beyond doubt

A later Soviet investigative commission found that almost none of those people were guilty and their "confessions" were extracted under torture. Funnily enough the Tribunal sentencing Tuchachevsky and Yakir (two of the most decorated and forward thinking red military leaders) was itself purged (save for 3 members, among them an absolute military retrograde Budyonniy). So who should we believe then if it's seemingly traitors all the way down? Hell maybe Stalin was a traitor and secret Nazi collaborator himself, the NKVD just didn't get to him in time? See the absurdity of this hyper-paranoid conspiratorial thinking. The only thing beyond doubt here is that Stalin wrecked the military, stripped the party of it's most dedicated members (starting with cowardly killing Frunze via forced surgery) and fostered an atmosphere of constant suspicion and sycophancy towards careerist bureaucrats. Saying he had dreams of democratising Soviet society in the last year before his death just doesn't cut it and is quite rich when he had presided over this same society for close to 30 years and somehow never bothered to do this before.