Obsidian most known game fallout new vegas: actually broken without mods, to the point where mods are near mandatory to play.
Obsidian makes pillars of eternity which while okay, has massive issues in balancing, pace and difficulty (and not the git gud kind, more the I'd you don't already know something the game never mentions, you're kind of screwed).
Obsidian: after making a trash port of pillars of eternity on switch "we're abandoning updating the game, also we made it 30gb yet still just as bad as when it was 5gb, also no pillars of eternity 2 for switch"
- games that run perfectly fine on switch doom, doom eternal,witcher 3, skyrim, dos 2, no mans sky, mortal kombat 11, etc...
Outer worlds. Actual meh. And vastly overrated.
Obsidian entertainment is the reason dungeon siege doesn't exist anymore because of how bad 3 was
Sure star wars the old republic 1 and 2 were very good and so was South Park stick of truth. But that's about the end of their line of unquestionably good games.
Why should I have any interest in avowed or outer worlds 2?
Obsidian has a long trend of not finishing their games, sometimes it really is the publishers screwing them over, other times it's simply their own in-ability to manage their own projects.
But they always tend to throw a pity party for themselves and how they totally got screwed over by the big bad publisher, and then act all confused why many publishers don't want anything to do with them.
What carried their games was usually the writing, but in my opinion the quality of that has gone way down, especially since Avellone left.
Overall it feels like they keep trying to write about big ideas and philosophies, but their current crop of writers don't have a deep understanding or bother with the details, and the stories come of weaker as a result.