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[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So what happens when someone has views that objectively do threaten everyone else? Do we sacrifice the safety of all just to not be hypocrites? Because I'd personally rather be a hypocrite than a genocide victim

[–] -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ideas don't threaten anyone. Actions do.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Ohh, yes they do. Ideas dictate your actions, to start. And even someone holding negative ideas toward you in and of itself is an inherent threat to your existence in a lot of ways. I have lived most of my life that way, because of racism, and the fact that people inwardly hated me for what I am affected my ability to be able to be properly integrated and accepted into any community, hampering my ability to develop functionally, which I have to work hard every day to repair as an adult.

My right to be accepted as a kid and be able to develop social skills around people who wanted me around and therefore would speak with me in good faith absolutely trumped the rest of the community's right to hold hateful ideas. Yet here we are.

If you hate someone because of race, or gender or whatever stupid fucking superficial characteristic is a problem this time, you need to leave, not me.

[–] -4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Where do you live that everyone around you hated you for your race? While racists do exist, your average person does not care.

Also, you don't have a right to have people around you like you.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

A white racist town where I was hated and unwanted for being Black. Because that's what you're defending when you cry about free speech. That's what they believe free speech and other human rights like freedom of association means: that they can have their white-only enclaves and chase out anyone who isn't like them. They couldn't kick me out because I was a kid, but they broke me in other, far more insidious ways. And they were able to do it because it's not a free speech issue, it's a racism issue.

Also, you don’t have a right to have people around you like you.

You tell that to your compatriots whose bigotry you are defending.

[–] -4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I can't help but feel you are exaggerating. What if people didn't like you because they don't like you, rather than race.

And yes, you have ZERO right to make people around you like you. Don't live around shitty people. 95%+ of the USA is not racist. I'm sorry you didn't fit in when you were a kid but don't try to do away with free speech because your feelings were hurt.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

And yes, you have ZERO right to make people around you like you.

Tell that to the racists I was forced to grow up around. They were silently raging that I wasn't white like them my whole life. Perhaps you ought to explain they could never make me white like them, or drive me away for not being such.

What if people didn’t like you because they don’t like you, rather than race.

Then all we need to do is look at how you demand compassion for rapists -- your white rapists -- and we can see your accusation is completely disingenuous.

I could tell you how the racists around me accused me of the same thing, and how when I would change myself thinking I was the problem, they'd just laugh and find another flaw. Then another, then another. Then find flaws contradictory to what they claimed was the problem, and how it was always obvious to everyone else around me except myself that I was never the problem. They were just concern trolling to hide their racism. Because that's how racism actually works -- the cruelty is the point. 🤷

I could tell you about the few other dark-skinned kids in that neighborhood who were treated the same way, and of the white kids who'd fight with their parents, start having sex at 10 and start drinking and smoking at 12, who for some reason were never put under a microscope as I was, simply because they were white.

I could point out that no child is deserving of that kind of emotional abuse -- and that's what scrutinizing the personality of a child is -- regardless of race and for you it would still go in one ear and out the other. Because you're a racist.

I could tell you all about that, and more, but it won't matter, because you yourself are a dishonest racist and the fact that you even made that stupid fucking argument is the proof. What could a little kid possibly even do to get an entire community full of adults to shun them? What kind of adults shun any kid for any reason?

Don’t live around shitty people.

You're welcome to explain how a 7 year old is supposed to move anywhere.

I’m sorry you didn’t fit in when you were a kid but don’t try to do away with free speech because your feelings were hurt.

No you're not, quit lying.

Also I'm not the one getting rid of free speech. You can thank your little Nazi friends for showing everyone why it doesn't actually work, and then get angry at everybody else you're not allowed to hate other people for stupid reasons anymore.

The truth is no one can change your feelings or that of your Nazi friends. This is true. But, as you so blatantly come out and say when you imply I should have left the racist town I grew up in at 7 years old because I have no right to expect to be loved or cared for as an equal, we can just make you leave.

Since you won't stop being hateful, you can't participate in society anymore. If you don't like LGBTQ+ or Black people or women having power, leave. Get the fuck out. Get out like you're telling me my 7 year old self should have. Take your racism elsewhere.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Now I understand where you're coming from. You freaked out at me because I and a couple other folks didn't have the brain power to work out your point in another thread on this post. Your freakout was bugging me, so I finally thought to look at your other posts. My only issue is that you jump right to an attack like people are supposed to know your background by either completely reading every single thread on a post so they see your comments, or having read your comment history to inform their understanding of where you're coming from. I couldn't tell if you were a white power nutzo or an ally. Jesus Christ on a stick, you were fighting with me and I FUCKING AGREE WITH YOU, just not your ATT%TACK ATTTACK ATCKCKCOAKI

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Sounds like someone's butthurt they lost an argument, fished through my post history to find a cheap gotcha moment, and decided to exploit my own personal history dealing with racism in order to secure a victory on the internet. You know, the one you couldn't get before because you couldn't comprehend that tolerance doesn't mean what you think it means and isn't actually a good thing.

Oh, and if your slimy behavior here doesn't make it obvious you're just some dipshit centrist who pretends to be an ally while defending racist Nazis, I don't know what will.

You'd have to dig yourself an underground bunker and shoot yourself for another blow that low.



You need to grow up.

You have a moral responsibility to listen to what another person says to you and not how they say it; at least this is what you say to me every time I openly talk about the rampant emotional and other kinds of abuses I suffered at the hands of Nazi bigots like yourself over the years.

And next, you'll blame me for your refusal to check your own comprehension skills, accept facts or to do what you're supposed to be doing, because of course I, the Black person have to cater to your every whim and whimsy and you have no agency of your own -- your refusal to stomach me and do what's right is 100% my fault because I didn't beg you. But when I complain, I am the one overreacting and being emotional.

That's the kind of shit narcissists pull. And a lot of white boomers are narcissists.

Your attitude where your feelings matter, but mine don't will get you nowhere in life. LPT: no one cares about either of us's feelings, and they really shouldn't have to in the face of facts.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ok, fine. I'll play your game. Fuck you, you overly reactive piece of garbage, who refuses any attempt to have actual discourse, and who instead is addicted to the endorphins of anger generated by a deep seated and definitional sense of victimhood. I'm giving you this comment for your own pleasure, since you don't have any other source to bliss other than stoking your rage.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

No you won't, you petulant, childish, racist brat. There is no game here. Millions of us Black and dark-complected people around the world suffer the same as I did and a lot worse at the hands of white racists everywhere. My life is not a game and neither are those of the rest of my people's you cynically pretend to support, while outright undermining, through behavior like yours now.

You don't give a fuck about anyone other than yourself, but you knew that.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Oh YES, MORE, please! GIVE ME YOUR HATE! YAAAAAS RIGHT THERE! MMMM soooo good. EDIT: get some fucking therapy, your hate will kill you if you're not careful. EDIT: You, an anti-racist? give me a fucking break. You think that calling everyone a nazi and telling them to kill themselves makes you an agent of change. Take your head out of your ass - you are as hateful as they come.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Yeah, you're finally being honest now. Holding on tightly to the fact I'm angry at you and the other scumbags in the thread for being openly racist and defending racists -- the Nazi kind to boot -- because for you, this is about winning something. Because you need something to attack and a Black person is never allowed to be angry by society regardless, and you know it as well as I do.

You just want to be right.

Well you aren't. You're wrong, and no one here cares that I am angry or not. Anger is a normal human emotion and a part of life, and you're going to accept the fact I am whether you like it or not.

I shouldn't even have to justify my emotions, given you yourself are clearly fucking enraged here, but that is the hypocrisy of racism at work.

Black people are a threat when they're angry. White people who are angry are simply pitiable victims who finally snapped and need their every emotion held up on a pedestal and catered to, while we of the melanated kind are told us being angry is wrong and scary and dangerous and if we want a place in society, we have to suppress it, and silently tolerate every horrible thing you do to us.

But that's what you thought tolerance meant, after all, and why you're so angry I didn't justify your awful definition of the word in the first place.

Now calm down, like you tell us to.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I didn't know you were black until I saw your comment where you discussed it. All I saw originally was a confusing comment about tolerance that I couldn't parse. You assumed that I asked you to clarify BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK, like I can tell you are black by your fucking text. Rage on, friend. Rage on.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

And yet here you are being a racist slimeball piece of shit. And a liar too; you never asked for clarification because of my race. You asked for it to feign a problem that wasn't there because fascists like you lie on the regular to win arguments and assert dominance. Because you're just a racist defending other racists. Because I told you no and you need to undermine me in every way imaginable because you don't want other people to consider what I am saying.

Well, it didn't work, you feel like a bitch, don't you?

You are a particularly sniveling racist at that. Go whine elsewhere.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I asked for clarification because I wanted to understand your point. But fine, I'm a racist nazi liar who should kill myself in a bunker. You act like people asking for clarification and having no knowledge of your skin color is the same as someone saying to a black person, "oh, you're so well spoken." You're right, asking for clarification is RACIST, and you are going to save the world by raging at people instead of being understood.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I’m a racist nazi liar who should kill myself in a bunker.

Oh look, it's the first bit of honesty we've seen in you all day.

You act like people asking for clarification and having no knowledge of your skin color is the same as

You can keep lying and pretending you have a reading comprehension problem while simultaneously exploiting subtleties in my own account of my life to try to win an argument -- which requires the comprehension skills you're trying to lie and say you don't have -- or you can just admit you're wrong and move on with your life. It's up to you. I personally enjoy watching racist piggies squeal with the same rage you condemn me for. 😆

And you're boiling fucking mad right now.

and you are going to save the world by raging at people instead of being understood.

Ahh, the smell of emotional blackmail in the air. It's smoky and woody with a hint of grass. Smells almost like a cross burning in someone's front yard.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Actually, when I took the time to look at other comments you made in the ~~thread~~ post, I found your biographical comment absolutely enlightening, and not at all confusing. Unlike your tolerance comment, where I couldn't tell where you were coming from, but wanted to understand. I wasn't sure if you were making an alt-right argument or a leftist comment or whatever. You went straight to throwing insults at people assuming they wanted to argue with you rather than understand what point you were trying to make - that is what prompted me to make my Les Miserables comment. I probably should not have played the same rage game you are playing, but I can only be called a nazi and told to kill myself so many times before I start serving back.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I probably should not have played the same rage game you are playing, but I can only be called a nazi and told to kill myself so many times before I start serving back.

Oh LMFAO, here we have a threat.

What is it you possibly think you could do that could hurt me more than your racist compatriots have over the years?

Do you think you could doxx me? Already happened in my college years. Sexually assault or try to kill me? Beat me so bad I'm covered top to tail in bruises? Whoops, already happened.

Cause me to try to kill myself as a little kid to escape the oppression and abuse while whining about you being personally offended by a Hitler joke? That kind of hypocrisy is typical from people like you.

Or maybe you will... oh, the horror! Insult me on the internet like that isn't something that happens on the regular to everyone every day.

Grow the fuck up. You're an immature, whiny racist liar, and the only way you can save face is by admitting you were wrong and moving on.

Or you can keep squealing. Pig. 🐷

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

I have zero interest in doxxing you, I am sorry that it happened to you before. I also don't find your insults to be jokes. "People like me" - you don't know me at all.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's clear you have a couple screws loose. Hope you get the help you need.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Exactly the sort of dumbass shit a racist who doesn't want to be held accountable for it would say.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

go to therapy I think it would help you

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Actually pay attention in your job's anti-harassment seminars, it'll help you not get cancelled.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Blatant projection, another attribute of alt-right racist dipshits everywhere

Bonus points if in your next post you reply, "Victimhood, another attribute of leftist commies everywhere" when you once again try and fail to come up with a snappy comeback. Go ahead, do it, I'll wait:

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You guys need to learn what the word projection means

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You need to learn how to not be racist. Racist.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

bet you felt smart writing that

[–] -1 points 1 year ago

youre wrong. if a minority is treated poorly, there is no possible reason other than racism. /s