Matt Walsh’s Rant Against Race Mixing Is Textbook White Supremacy | The Majority Report
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Did that really need to be said? What non-racist is against "race mixing"?
The Majority Report has long been on a crusade against these right wing grifters. To you and I it doesn't need to be said. To others who might be swayed, it needs to be expressed in plain words.
"Everyday is somebody's first day" I think of this often. It works for news, when service is slow at a store, restaurant, or any place really.
I for one do not like mixing rally racing and Nascar whatever racing.
Man I'd pay good money to see those Nascar engines in a cardboard box go through a Finnish forest.
Ahhh very relevant.
What does this even mean lol
It’s goofing on his propaganda duh-cumentary, What Is a Woman?