Just Don't Get It

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!justdontgetit@lemmy.tf is a community for things that you just don't get or understand. It's a community where you're welcome to be the opposite of the smartest in the room. Ask questions about things of which have perplex for years like "why was seeing a pig run a consolation?" or "why don't we shoo our space in to the sun?" and for those of you not comfortable with asking questions, even those like "why is going to bed with your socks on even though you have a spouse a thing?", you're welcome to be part of this community too and answer questions. The only thing I ask is that you be and not a condescending prick.

I originally said "You're free to post text posts, screenshots or memes." but it seems to be mostly text. Feel free to change that with your posts.

founded 1 year ago

I don't understand this? Why would they do such a thing? Not only is it bad for PR, given how they built their large language model, surely they'd just be humble and stay quiet when possible?


This is some super villain shit and it resulted in a death. Surely the sentence is way too light?


How are people like this allowed to have a job still?


As of August 2023, the estimated number of active users for Mastodon, Spoutible, and Bluesky are:

  • Mastodon: 1.5 million
  • Spoutible: 20,000
  • Bluesky: 100,000

It is important to note that these numbers are estimates and may vary depending on the source. Additionally, the definition of "active user" can vary from platform to platform. For example, Mastodon defines an active user as someone who has logged in within the past 30 days, while Spoutible defines an active user as someone who has posted a message within the past 7 days.

It is also worth noting that the number of active users for these platforms has fluctuated over time. For example, Mastodon saw a surge in new users in December 2022 following Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter. However, the number of active users has since declined.

Overall, the number of active users for Mastodon, Spoutible, and Bluesky is relatively small compared to other social media platforms. However, these platforms are growing in popularity and may continue to attract new users in the future.


We all accept and understand that right? So why don't we do it?


I know that Matt talks about some of the reasons in his video but given the fact that 20% of the Earth is coastal zones and 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, how is it that we went all in on coal and even nuclear before we started investing in waves? Especially when you consider that the ratio of water on Earth's surface to coal at depths we can mine is about 100,000 to 1. Surely this should've been a priority, no? I just don't get why we have a nearly finite reusable resource and we're like, nah, go for the one we can deplete. And if your answer is because most people live in-land, if most energy was coming from the coast, wouldn't we have been forced to get better at energy transportation?


I remember asking once, we don't we just shoot our surplus trash off into the sun and was told that by the cost of launching it outweighs the benefits. Fair!

But what about all of the old satellites and space stations? Why don't we just send a giant magnet around the earth once or twice and then slingshot all that space junk into the sun and thus giving all science fiction writers (when they return from their strike) a plot point they can no longer use in their film scripts?

Seriously though, without the cost of breaching the atmosphere, this seems really cheap to pull, why don't we do this? Why isn't this a standard thing?


I understand the concept of, "hey, look at this cool thing I found", but if people want to do that, they can easily link to the source. However we live in a time where people will post pictures online they had no part in producing and aren't of celebrities of any kind and bask in a glory. You even get some people posting pictures pretending its their spouse. I just don't get why this is a thing.


You ever been to a shop that has almost zero stock and the shop keeper will tell you they're awaiting a delivery, so you look at the empty sweet rack and in the back corner, you'll see Turkish Delight? It's like these are popular enough that shops order them and yet I never see anyone buy them. They're like the mystery of the ages.


Whether it's animals in zoos for your viewing pleasure, sedated animals for your holiday snaps, animals locked up for your riding pleasure. Why are we all so okay with animal slavery?


We all read the odd article, some more than others. Initially newspapers thought they could just have a few adverts and rely on physical sales but people quickly switched to online. Their solution was to throw everything behind a subscription, but surely the better solution would be to charge per visitor per article until the article is paid for and then opening it up to all and switching that purchase button out for a donate button? This is such a move elegant solution rather than relying on a subscription and exploiting people hoping they forget to cancel.


We can grow gourds endlessly and don't have to worry about plastic not decomposing, etc.


Why do people think holiday culture is cool?

Firstly, the impact of the flights isn't slim. It's a lot to deal with. Reports suggest that we have 120 years before the planet becomes inhabitable and yet a return flight to New York and back from London is worth 3 days. Doesn't that seem irresponsible?

Secondly, I don't get this thing where people go and sit in the sun? How are we as a society so entitled that we believe we're allowed to shorten life on the planet to go and sit in the sun?

Don't get me wrong, I support people that go on holiday for inspiration or to learn and then come back and offer the world something that would make it a better place, but to get a suntan? Why can't they get a boat? Or a blimp? Or even invent a new method of travel? Make star gates a reality? Okay, that's a bit far, but you get what I mean. Flying is too expensive for Planet Earth to afford, so why do we insist upon it for recreation?


I know this will seem stupidly simple once someone explains, but my brain has been struggling for a minute and I was obviously impressed by this because it's a screenshot of an advert that's been sitting on my phone since forever.


It's impossible to ignore the fact that the planet is dying. Climate change is real. Whether you believe it's man made or not, you have to accept there's certain things that just don't need to be done, one of those things is petrol based motorsport. How is it that we keep allowing these polluting races to take place, especially when we have carbon neutral alternatives available. I don't understand why Formula 1 is still a thing when we have Formula E.


Google has been dodgy for a long time. They've been abusing their dominance to maintain their monopolies and erode our freedoms. No matter how many times developers like that of uBlock tell you that the blocking experience isn't as good in Chromium based browsers compared to Firefox, due to decisions made by Google, people don't listen. Now Google is attempting to insert DRM into webpages to force us to look at their adverts, that's insanity and everyone knows it. But still people support them by using their products. I can understand using YouTube, no other video site comes close in terms of content. Gmail is the class leader for email. But search? You can't even get results on the first page without an adblocker. And their browser, along with the derivatives? Why are people empowering Google's fuckeries? It makes no logical sense. People even attempt to hold Firefox to standards they turn a blind eye to for Chrome. I'm baffled, confused, perplexed by it all. I just don't get it.


Every time time comes up, it makes my brain hurt, because WTF do you mean that Americans wash their eggs? The shell doesn't go anywhere near the food. What do they need to wash their eggs for?


Seriously, why do these even exist?


The original source can be found here: https://starkeycomics.com/

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