Pretty sure if they're a wolf that sometimes turns into a man, they'd be a wolfwere.
A community dedicated to discussing werewolf lore, stories, and just things in general related to werewolves. You may also post werewolf related artwork here (it can be furry art, as long as it's werewolf related). Created to be an alternative to r/werewolves
Rule 1: Don't make it weird
Basically don't post about being a werewolf, don't ask about real life werewolves, don't ask about werewolf transformation spells.
For ones about feeling like a werewolf try posting in !, for ones about spells and real life werewolves try in occult or cryptid communities. These types of posts here though just make people here feel weird and awkward.
(Fursuiting is an exception to this rule but Fursuit pictures can only be posted on Fridays)
Rule 2: Keep it SFW
Do not post pornographic images, do not horny roleplay in the comments. This is an SFW community, if you want to do that stuff please go to a different community that allows it.
Rule 3: No Spam
Posting any kind of spam to the community including Tshirt spam is grounds for a permanent ban. Instance operators will also be notified of this incident.
Rule 4: No AI Images
Please avoid uploading or submitting AI generated images to this community. If AI images are what you are looking for, check out ! instead.
Checks out
Pretty sure he's neither, he's a werewolf with his own identity. That's like asking someone bisexual if they're gay or straight.
They're only a wolf one day a month.
they're only themselves one day a month
Not always, some aren't tied to lunar cycles and can either transform at will or transform from stress, anxiety, or anger.
Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a werewolf...