Wheel of Time
fight club, the book is not bad its more so that the movie overshadows it, the only thing I will say that the book does better is the relationship between the narrator and Marla
a clockwork orange, same not bad does have its own style in its own way its more about how the ending differ with the last minute Alex redemption arch.
the shinning, (I will likely get some hate for this one) the ghosts play a larger role in the book with a couple frightening scenes but the climax and ending is where it falls short with jack torrance chasing around his family with a croquet mallet it crosses the line from scary into absurd and stupid.
Ready player one, the book is one pop-culture reference after another about what the author thinks if cool or hip with one chapter being basically a list of all the cool stuff in his fantasy world that he created and is basically good at everything, most male Mary Sue character I have read in a long time. The film is a fair amount better and does humanize the characters much better then the book
Trainspotting. I dare you to try reading (and understanding) that fuckin book.
Cool Hand Luke.
The Night Agent is a delightful spy/political thriller tv series that manages to avoid a lot of the silly cliches that fill the genre. My cousin tried the book and said it was one of the worst things he ever read.
Not a movie but Haunting of Hill House show was sooooooo much better than the book.
fight club
Practical Magic
It’s not bad per se, but the novel of the ring is not as good as the movie
It’s not that the book is bad, it’s actually quite good. But I remember when the movie came out everyone was saying how much more in depth and expansive the book was. So when I got ‘round to reading the book I was surprised how faithful an adaptation the movie was. The book was written when the Soviet Union still existed, so there’s some Cold War subplots that were out of date and excised from the movie. But other than that the movie is pretty close to Sagan’s book and, IMO, and better way to experience the story.
I think The Princess Bride was a better movie than book.
I absolutely love this movie so so much and no one ever talks about it lol I'm really glad I read your post, I don't think I would enjoy the book nearly as much as I enjoyed the movie.
Minority Report. This is not saying the original story is bad, but the movie adds the necessary flesh to the skeleton of a story it is.
umbrella academy. need i say more?
dune. pretentious drivel.
I'm thinking of ending things movie was much better
Practical Magic. Movie was fun and coherent. Book wasn't very good.
Don’t ask me for specifics for the book or the film because it’s been years since I’ve read or watched it, but I distinctly remember not liking the book but enjoying the film.
All movies based on books aren't as good as the books.
All books based on movies suck.
There are exceptions, but....
Jaws. I’ve always said that Spielberg made all the right decisions in that movie, like cutting out the completely unnecessary affair between Hooper and Brody’s wife.
Mary Poppins!
Bladerunner aka "Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep"
I don't think this is a hot take.
Count of monte Christo
The book goes much more into the concepts but the presentation of the aliens is pretty lackluster. The movie is much better at conveying a sense of awe.